Woman learns heartbreaking truth about her dad after taking DNA test for fun


By James Kay

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A woman who took a DNA test for a bit of fun was shocked when it unveiled the heartbreaking truth about her father.

Sharing her story on Reddit’s Relationship Advice forum, the unnamed daughter detailed how the test results revealed shocking news about her family.

She began: "I live with my dad. I am very close to him as we get along very well and as my mother passed away due to medical issues when I was young.

"Meanwhile, my "uncle" and his family live an hour away from us; we were all relatively close (meeting up every few months.)"

An innocent DNA test unveiled a shocking truth. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty

About five weeks before posting on Reddit, her father received a 23andMe DNA kit as a birthday present from friends. She decided to take the test as well, hoping to compare their results for fun.

“We got our results back yesterday so we logged on to see our percentages, etc.,” she wrote. “It was quite interesting to see the breakdowns of our ancestry plus traits we had.”

However, the situation took a dramatic turn when they checked the "DNA relative finder."

“This is where everything started going downhill,” she recounted.

“It showed my dad as my uncle on my profile, and me as his niece on his. As we looked into it more, it listed my ‘uncle’ as my father, alongside my ‘cousins’ (he has two sons 18M and 20M) as my half-brothers.”

Shocked by the results, she and her father researched the possibility of errors in the DNA database but concluded that the probability of her "uncle" being her biological father was very high.

Ending her post, the woman expressed her confusion and distress over the discovery. “I never dreamed this would happen as I look so much like my father,” she wrote, adding that she also resembled her uncle.

She revealed that her father attempted to contact her "uncle" but was unable to reach him.

“I tried it too, but it's not working. I am not sure if he's already gotten a message on his end that I am his daughter,” she wrote.

The test revealed a past affair. Credit: d3sign/Getty

Her father, devastated by the revelation, retreated to his room in tears and has not spoken since. “I feel really bad for him as he really loved my mother a lot and always told me about her,” she shared.

Seeking advice on how to approach her father, uncle, and newly discovered half-siblings, the woman received an outpouring of support from fellow Reddit users.

"Tell your dad that he is your dad no matter what and you don’t care what the test says! Tell him that you love him and you’re here for him; that he doesn’t have to go through this alone," one person wrote.

A second added: "I'm sure it's been said but he is your dad he's the one you shared the memories with don't let this test get in the way of your relationship."

Featured image credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty

Woman learns heartbreaking truth about her dad after taking DNA test for fun


By James Kay

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A woman who took a DNA test for a bit of fun was shocked when it unveiled the heartbreaking truth about her father.

Sharing her story on Reddit’s Relationship Advice forum, the unnamed daughter detailed how the test results revealed shocking news about her family.

She began: "I live with my dad. I am very close to him as we get along very well and as my mother passed away due to medical issues when I was young.

"Meanwhile, my "uncle" and his family live an hour away from us; we were all relatively close (meeting up every few months.)"

An innocent DNA test unveiled a shocking truth. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty

About five weeks before posting on Reddit, her father received a 23andMe DNA kit as a birthday present from friends. She decided to take the test as well, hoping to compare their results for fun.

“We got our results back yesterday so we logged on to see our percentages, etc.,” she wrote. “It was quite interesting to see the breakdowns of our ancestry plus traits we had.”

However, the situation took a dramatic turn when they checked the "DNA relative finder."

“This is where everything started going downhill,” she recounted.

“It showed my dad as my uncle on my profile, and me as his niece on his. As we looked into it more, it listed my ‘uncle’ as my father, alongside my ‘cousins’ (he has two sons 18M and 20M) as my half-brothers.”

Shocked by the results, she and her father researched the possibility of errors in the DNA database but concluded that the probability of her "uncle" being her biological father was very high.

Ending her post, the woman expressed her confusion and distress over the discovery. “I never dreamed this would happen as I look so much like my father,” she wrote, adding that she also resembled her uncle.

She revealed that her father attempted to contact her "uncle" but was unable to reach him.

“I tried it too, but it's not working. I am not sure if he's already gotten a message on his end that I am his daughter,” she wrote.

The test revealed a past affair. Credit: d3sign/Getty

Her father, devastated by the revelation, retreated to his room in tears and has not spoken since. “I feel really bad for him as he really loved my mother a lot and always told me about her,” she shared.

Seeking advice on how to approach her father, uncle, and newly discovered half-siblings, the woman received an outpouring of support from fellow Reddit users.

"Tell your dad that he is your dad no matter what and you don’t care what the test says! Tell him that you love him and you’re here for him; that he doesn’t have to go through this alone," one person wrote.

A second added: "I'm sure it's been said but he is your dad he's the one you shared the memories with don't let this test get in the way of your relationship."

Featured image credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty