Server shares paycheck of $0.01 after six weeks of work to stress the importance of tipping



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A server has revealed she made just $0.01 after six weeks of work and her paycheck has seriously divided the internet.

TikTok user Liny, who uses the handle @lvndsmac, took to the social media platform recently to share a payslip from her waitressing job at a restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee - and in over a month, she made hardly anything in earnings from her employer.

She captioned the post: "THE F*** IMA DO WITH ONE PENNY?"

Check out the video below:

As reported by The New York Post, the federal minimum wage for tipped staff in the US is $2.13 an hour.

In Tennessee, however, federal, Social Security, and Medicare taxes are taken out of servers' earnings, which is why Liny was left with an incredibly dismal $0.01 after a six-week period.

Liny did not specify exactly how many hours she worked in the six-week period, and she did not mention how much she made in tips in that time. But it is evident that without tips, she wouldn't have enough to make ends meet.

Needless to say, many sympathetic TikTok users took to the comments to share their thoughts on the waitress' meager paycheck.

One person said: "That is sad and tips don't pay the bills."

Another argued: "The only reason a tipped employee gets any hourly pay is so they pay their taxes on the tips they make. Not tipping anything is theft."

A third commented: "When you sit down at a restaurant to have food brought to you, at least tip the server something so they can eat too."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok
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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok
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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

However, a number of the commenters argued that diners should not be responsible for paying the wages of servers and that restaurants should simply pay them more.

One person wrote: "Tipping is just a way for large scale restaurants to get away with NOT paying their workers. Look it up, start a petition."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

Another added: "I think you should be making minimum wage at least. Tips are a bonus and should not be counted as your weekly income."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

A third said: "No one should have to depend on tips to pay their rent. Restaurants should pay a living wage. How is this legal?"

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

What do you think about tipping culture? Should things change? Let us know in the comments section.

Featured image credit: Pixabay / Pexels

Server shares paycheck of $0.01 after six weeks of work to stress the importance of tipping



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A server has revealed she made just $0.01 after six weeks of work and her paycheck has seriously divided the internet.

TikTok user Liny, who uses the handle @lvndsmac, took to the social media platform recently to share a payslip from her waitressing job at a restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee - and in over a month, she made hardly anything in earnings from her employer.

She captioned the post: "THE F*** IMA DO WITH ONE PENNY?"

Check out the video below:

As reported by The New York Post, the federal minimum wage for tipped staff in the US is $2.13 an hour.

In Tennessee, however, federal, Social Security, and Medicare taxes are taken out of servers' earnings, which is why Liny was left with an incredibly dismal $0.01 after a six-week period.

Liny did not specify exactly how many hours she worked in the six-week period, and she did not mention how much she made in tips in that time. But it is evident that without tips, she wouldn't have enough to make ends meet.

Needless to say, many sympathetic TikTok users took to the comments to share their thoughts on the waitress' meager paycheck.

One person said: "That is sad and tips don't pay the bills."

Another argued: "The only reason a tipped employee gets any hourly pay is so they pay their taxes on the tips they make. Not tipping anything is theft."

A third commented: "When you sit down at a restaurant to have food brought to you, at least tip the server something so they can eat too."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok
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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok
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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

However, a number of the commenters argued that diners should not be responsible for paying the wages of servers and that restaurants should simply pay them more.

One person wrote: "Tipping is just a way for large scale restaurants to get away with NOT paying their workers. Look it up, start a petition."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

Another added: "I think you should be making minimum wage at least. Tips are a bonus and should not be counted as your weekly income."

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

A third said: "No one should have to depend on tips to pay their rent. Restaurants should pay a living wage. How is this legal?"

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Credit: @lvndsmac / TikTok

What do you think about tipping culture? Should things change? Let us know in the comments section.

Featured image credit: Pixabay / Pexels