Woman with 9 months left to live asks husband for pass to cheat on him with ex


By Kim Novak

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One woman's dying wish has left people divided after she asked her husband for a free pass to cheat on him with her ex.

Infidelity in a relationship can be tough at the best of times. Often, it means the end of the relationship as the other party may not find it easy to forgive or forget their partner sleeping with someone else while they were together.

However, sometimes couples can get past it if the partner who's been cheated on is exceptionally understanding... but one husband revealed he was left in a quandary when his dying wife announced that her last wish would be to cheat on him with her ex.

He took to Reddit to reveal the difficult situation he faced, explaining: "My wife has a terminal disease. She is projected to live at most nine months. I am, of course, destroyed. We’ve been together for a decade. I don’t remember life without her, and I don’t know what I’m going to do when she’s gone."

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His wife's dying wish was one more night in bed with her ex. Credit: ShaneKato/Getty Images

The unnamed man added: "I have been doing my best to make the last days of her life good and grant whatever wish I can. The doctors said that she was likely to need a wheelchair in four or five months, then by month eight, she’ll be bedridden for the last few weeks. That’s if she doesn’t decline faster.

"Recently, she sat me down and told me that one of the last things she wanted to do was have sex with a previous partner of hers. I, of course, was shocked, and I asked why the f**k she wants that.

"So basically, she thinks that her most physically compatible, satisfying lover was him. She gave a whole monologue about how sex sometimes is just physical and how emotionally fulfilling sex is with me, but it was bulls**t to get to that point."

Revealing the difficult position he'd been left in, the man added: "So now I’m left with this: deny my dying wife a wish for my own ego, or let her go f**k another man who she feels was better.

"Honestly, I’m so p**sed off and betrayed that she asked this of me. I feel like I’m put in a position where I have to say yes because she’s dying. I know what I want to say, but I don’t know if that’s right."

He admitted: "I’m so hurt that sex with an ex was apparently so good that she needs to do it once before she dies. I just hate everything about this."

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The man was devastated by the request. Credit: Delmaine Donson/Getty Images

Understandably, the post provoked a pretty huge reaction from fellow Redditors, who were divided on what the right thing to do would be.

One commented: "Immediate concern: is she in contact with her ex? Is she seeking permission from you, when she's already established a reconciliation with her ex? Either way. WTF. She wants your lasting memory of her to be that she left you for a rumble in the bedsheets with an ex? Sorry but her illness is not an excuse to treat you like s**t. That is incredibly insulting to you and your relationship."

Another added: "How does she know this person at all after 10 years with you? Or that this person would want to involve themselves in no strings sex with a dying EX from over a decade ago? This seems like a very odd request to bring to you without any leg work or preparation. That she would significantly risk blowing up her marriage and end of life companionship and care for sex with someone she isn’t in contact with and doesn’t know would still even entertain the thought of intimacy with her."

Someone else pointed out: "If her dying wish was to murder a child, would we grant that wish? How about to go on safari and hunt an endangered animal? Or to rob a bank? Dying wishes aren't free passes for s***ty behavior. If she's committed to this course of action, then the relationship is over, and she can die alone in a hospice or with her f**kboy.

"OP seems completely shocked by her behavior, though. If this is out of character for a loving, honest partner, it makes me wonder if the disease is affecting her cognitive abilities. That's the only pass I would give her in this situation."

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Many pointed out that while the woman may want to sleep with her ex, the ex may not necessarily feel the same. Credit: Virojt Changyencham/Getty Images

Others added: "Tell that it may be a dying wish for her but it will be the memory of her having sex with another that will stay with you the rest of your life," and: "Let her go and tell her he can be the one to take care of her for the next nine months."

One commenter pointed out: "Ouch! Now that it's out there the damage is done. Let her do what she wants if that's her dying wish I guess."

Someone else took the opposing view, writing: "While I may get some hate for this. It is her very short life, she wants to have sex with someone else and not break up with you. HOWEVER you have every right to say no/break up with her. Just remember that it is her life and she can make the decision to actually have pleasure in her last 9 months of life."

What would you do in this man's position? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured image credit: South_agency/Getty Images