Woman sparks debate after revealing lunch she packs for her boyfriend



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A woman has sparked a debate online after revealing the lunch she packs for her boyfriend on TikTok.

Kiara, from Perth, who posts content on TikTok under the username @kiaraelaine__, shared a video of the packed lunch that she makes for her boyfriend, however, users of the video-sharing app had some very strong opinions about its contents.

This is what is inside his lunchbox: 

Now, while Kiara might have intended the TikTok to show off how much she cares about her boyfriend, some people couldn't help but slam the contents of his lunchbox.

Specifically: hummus, dried fruits, salami, a protein yogurt, a bag of popcorn, grapes, cheese, and crackers, and a mini Cadbury chocolate bar.

One TikTok user wrote: "It looks like an 8 year old child's lunch lol [sic]."

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Credit: TikTok / Xavier Smith

Another slammed the unknown boyfriend for not making his own lunch, writing: "Get him to make it himself ffs."

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Credit: TikTok / user4304493040807

She was also criticized for feeding her boyfriend so much packaged food.

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Credit: TikTok / user7449759609524

However, not everyone was so critical and one TikToker praised Kiara for looking after her partner.

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Credit: TikTok / Sash

Another TikToker revealed that they also make their partner's lunch because they enjoy doing it and want to ensure that they are eating well throughout the day.

"I make my husband lunch everyday [sic] for him to take to work," they wrote. "I don't have to make it, but I do have to make, but I do as I love making his lunch & making sure he's eating ok."

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Credit: TikTok / Lisa Ann Marie

A fourth addressed the contents of the lunch box, writing: "Maybe he actually asked for that stuff? I think it's a really kind gesture you don't get many people like this! I think it's lovely."

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Credit: TikTok / Chloe Hoyle

Meanwhile, a fifth TikTok user simply liked the look of this man's lunch and joked: "I'll be round in the morning to pick up mine. K thx."

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Credit: TikTok / Samantha

Other women even decided to tag their partners in the post and said that they'd make them their lunches if only they thought to bring their Tupperware home on a regular basis!