Audience member thrown out of theater after screaming over song in chaotic scenes


By James Kay

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Two audience members were thrown out of a theater after they were deemed to have sung too loudly over the final song, causing chaotic scenes which forced the show to end early.

Going to see a musical is usually a joyous occasion, sometimes meaning getting dressed up to see professional actors belt classic show tunes.

Whether it's Hamilton, The Lion King, or one of many other shows, there is something at the theater for everyone - even for those who claim to hate musicals.

But one thing that often splits opinions, is whether it is socially acceptable to sing along with the actors or if it is the proper behavior to let the professionals do the work.

Well, two women who went to see The Bodyguard at the Palace Theater in Manchester, UK, found out the hard way when they were dragged out of the building for singing too loudly.

Shocking footage of the women being forcibly removed from the theater was uploaded to various social media platforms.

The show ended 10 minutes early after the lead singer was reportedly drowned out by those singing from the audience, and it seems that not many were on the side of the audience members.

After police were called to the venue, the two women were removed much to the delight of those around them who let out an almighty cheer as they were led away.

As per the Mirror, the footage was shot by Karl Bradley, who told the outlet: "We got about half an hour in and that was when it first all went black on the stage and everyone was a bit confused as to what was going on. I thought it might be the interval and I was thinking surely not so soon in.

"And then it became apparent once there was an announcement and there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the audience, they said they had to hold the show due to audience disruption."

Bradley explained that the women were belting over 'I Will Always Love You', which is understandable, but there is a time and a place.

People online were quick to offer their thoughts on the matter, as one person wrote: "You pay a fortune to hear the singers, why would you want to hear it all drowned out by two random members of the audience."

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Credit: TikTok

A second penned: "They must have been screaming the song out for them to stop it."

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Credit: TikTok

Let this be a warning to everyone else, let the professionals do the work!

Featured image credit: Randy Duchaine / Alamy

Audience member thrown out of theater after screaming over song in chaotic scenes


By James Kay

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Two audience members were thrown out of a theater after they were deemed to have sung too loudly over the final song, causing chaotic scenes which forced the show to end early.

Going to see a musical is usually a joyous occasion, sometimes meaning getting dressed up to see professional actors belt classic show tunes.

Whether it's Hamilton, The Lion King, or one of many other shows, there is something at the theater for everyone - even for those who claim to hate musicals.

But one thing that often splits opinions, is whether it is socially acceptable to sing along with the actors or if it is the proper behavior to let the professionals do the work.

Well, two women who went to see The Bodyguard at the Palace Theater in Manchester, UK, found out the hard way when they were dragged out of the building for singing too loudly.

Shocking footage of the women being forcibly removed from the theater was uploaded to various social media platforms.

The show ended 10 minutes early after the lead singer was reportedly drowned out by those singing from the audience, and it seems that not many were on the side of the audience members.

After police were called to the venue, the two women were removed much to the delight of those around them who let out an almighty cheer as they were led away.

As per the Mirror, the footage was shot by Karl Bradley, who told the outlet: "We got about half an hour in and that was when it first all went black on the stage and everyone was a bit confused as to what was going on. I thought it might be the interval and I was thinking surely not so soon in.

"And then it became apparent once there was an announcement and there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the audience, they said they had to hold the show due to audience disruption."

Bradley explained that the women were belting over 'I Will Always Love You', which is understandable, but there is a time and a place.

People online were quick to offer their thoughts on the matter, as one person wrote: "You pay a fortune to hear the singers, why would you want to hear it all drowned out by two random members of the audience."

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Credit: TikTok

A second penned: "They must have been screaming the song out for them to stop it."

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Credit: TikTok

Let this be a warning to everyone else, let the professionals do the work!

Featured image credit: Randy Duchaine / Alamy