Couple sue son for not giving them a grandchild


By Carina Murphy

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Parents can often be pushy when it comes to having grandkids.

But one couple in India has taken things a step further.

Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad, 61 and 57, are taking their only son and his wife to court for not giving them a grandchild after six years of marriage, BBC News reports.

The parents argue that they used up all their savings to raise their son and to pay for his pilot's training. They also forked out for his lavish wedding and luxury honeymoon.

Now, they want their dues. In court documents, the Prasads claim that if their son doesn't give them a grandchild within a year, they'll be demanding that he pay them back 5o million rupees ($650,000).

In an interview with BBC Hindi, Sadhana said that not having a grandchild had made life socially difficult for herself and her husband. She claimed that her son's decision not to have a child had opened them up to "taunts from society", adding that he and his wife are inflicting "mental cruelty" on them.

"We had no option but to go to the court. We have been trying to talk to them but whenever we raise the issue of grandchildren, they become evasive. Their decision not to procreate would mean the end of our family name," she said.

Her husband Sanjeev felt the same way, saying: "We are very unhappy. We are retired. We want to be grandparents. We are even willing to look after their children. Grandchildren bring joy into people's lives, but we are being deprived of it."

"My son has been married for six years but they are still not planning a baby," he added. "At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain will become bearable."

The Prasads' son and his wife have not yet commented on the situation - though court documents suggest that relations within the family are strained to say the least.

In India, a son's responsibility to care for his elderly parents is enshrined in law. The Supreme Court has recognized that sons have a "moral duty and legal obligation" to look after their parents in old age.

Featured Image Credit: Giulio Benzi / Alamy