Scientists predict the exact date asteroid could hit Earth 'with force of 22 atomic bombs'


By James Kay

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Scientists have predicted the date that an asteroid could hit Earth, and given that it's said to be "with the force of 22 atomic bombs", it might be time to get your affairs in order.

It seems like every week there is a new threat to our planet, so it's hard to know which threat we should take seriously - if any at all.

Some are completely unfounded claims that do the rounds on social media, especially when it comes to self-claimed "time travelers".

But when NASA opens up about a potential threat, it might be time to sit up and take note.

Scientists have pinpointed a date when the looming threat of an asteroid collision could become a reality, unleashing a force equivalent to 22 atomic bombs upon our planet.

The asteroid is said to be bigger than the Empire State Building and will hit Earth with 1200 megatons of energy.

The celestial intruder, known curiously as Bennu, periodically swings by Earth every six years. However, researchers are now raising concerns that on a fateful day in September (not the month just gone), Bennu may pose a catastrophic threat to humanity.

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Scientists are working on plans to divert the asteroid. Credit: Maciej Frolow/Getty

NASA, in a bid to safeguard our planet, has been diligently crafting a plan to alter the asteroid's trajectory, steering it clear of Earth's path. The mission is currently in its critical final phase.

Richard Burns, the project manager for OSIRIS-REx at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, offered insight into their efforts, stating: "We are now in the final leg of this seven-year journey, and it feels very much like the last few miles of a marathon, with a confluence of emotions like pride and joy coexisting with a determined focus to complete the race well."

While Bennu may not seem overwhelmingly massive, with a width of just a third of a mile, it is imperative to note that this is still half the size of the asteroid responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

If Bennu were to collide with Earth, the ensuing devastation is projected to extend up to 600 miles from the impact site, although it is reassuring to know that it would not lead to global extinction.

Though the likelihood of Bennu colliding with our planet and imperiling future generations remains relatively slim, the prospect still lingers.

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The asteroid is slightly bigger than the Empire State Building. Credit: Marc Ward/Stocktrek Images/Getty

So when is the asteroid said to hit our planet?

NASA acknowledges that there is a remote chance of Bennu striking Earth on September 24, 2182.

So yeah, there is no need to panic unless you plan on defying all the odds and living well over 100 years old.

Featured image credit: ANDRZEJ WOJCICKI/Getty