People are roasting man who tried to rob nail salon after attempt goes horribly wrong


By Nasima Khatun

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People have taken to social media to roast a man who tried to rob a nail salon and it may be one of the most hilarious things we've ever seen.

Now, I've ever planned to rob anything but I'm just going out on a limb here and guess that you have to possess some level of confidence or threat if you're ever going to get involved in that type of criminal activity.

This one man, who has now gone viral on the internet, possessed neither as he tried his best to rob a nail salon in Atlanta.

Surveillance footage shows the moment the robber entered Nail1st, which is situated on Piedmont Road, and started shouting "Get on the ground" and "Give me your money" to a group of women while they stared blankly back at him.

Some even ignored his entire existence - a humiliating experience for someone who was seemingly dressed like he wanted to be noticed.

Poor him.

Check out the viral video below:

As soon as he entered the building, he had his hands in a bag as to mimic a concealed gun, though the customers and workers apparently weren't convinced by the drama.

Rather than submitting to his desperate pleas to give him money, they just watched him pityingly, with one woman even getting up and walking out of the place with her hands up.

The man takes one more shot as he approaches the other man behind the cash register and repeats his rehearsed lines, though to no avail. The worker pays him no mind and just to add insult to injury, he grabs the phone that was ringing on the counter and walks away.


The wannabe robber decided to abort mission when he realizes that his hopes of leaving the place with some cash were dashed by everyone's nonchalant attitude.

He stands pathetically in the middle of the store for a few more seconds before walking out.

It might have stung to leave penniless, but the biggest burden on his shoulders will probably be the humiliation of the entire fiasco.

In the wake of the failed incident, Crime Stoppers of Greater Atlanta are now calling on the public to help identify the miserable perpetrator and have posted the video online in the hopes that someone will be able to identify him.

However, upon seeing the clip which was posted to Facebook by CNN, people couldn't help but poke fun at it.

"I have never felt sorry for a bandit before," wrote one user.

"This looks like a scene from a movie with Kevin Hart," added another.

A third even had some good advice for him, writing: "He could have said 'I was just kiddin' when he left to avoid jail time.

"That chick was not going to put down those hot cheetos for nothing," another hilariously commented.

"I thought this was a Kevin Hart skit at first...Mannnnnn you should have chose comedy not robbery," wrote a final user.

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Credit: Facebook
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Thousands of comments continued to pour in as the investigation to identify the man continues.

For the sake of the last bit of pride he has left, let's hope he manages to get away with it.

Featured Image Credit: SolStock