Jay Slater has now been missing for 7 days - here's what we know so far


By stefan armitage

Article saved!Article saved!

Today marks seven days since the disappearance on UK teenager Jay Slater.

The 19-year-old - from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire - had been vacationing with his friends in Tenerife while attending the NRG music festival.

However, on Sunday night, Jay decided to stay out with two British men he had met that evening, rather than return to his shared accommodation with friend Lucy Mae Law.

The next morning, at around 8:15AM, Jay called Lucy Mae to say that he was lost, thirsty, and was going to attempt to walk back to their apartment - a journey that would have taken around 10 hours.

Less than an hour later, Lucy Mae reported Jay missing to Spanish authorities.

As the search continues, here's everything we know from the last seven days searching for Jay...

Sunday (June 16)

On Sunday night, Lucy Mae chose to return to their shared accommodation while Jay stayed out with people he had met that evening.

A video appearing to show Jay on a packed dancefloor that evening shows him enjoying the music festival and wearing a grey and green shirt. Check it out below:

A Snapchat video from that evening also shows Jay smiling and wearing the same shirt - later identified by social media users as a Technicals shirt.

On Sunday evening, Jay reportedly left the NRG festival, got into a car, and went back to an Airbnb with two British men.

Per the Daily Mail, the accommodation is called Casa Abuela Tina and costs £40-a-nght to stay. There is currently no suggestion that the two British men have anything to do with the teenager's disappearance.

Monday (June 17)

In the early hours of Monday morning, the two men say Jay stepped outside for a cigarette.

At around 7:00AM, Jay shared the following image to his Snapchat Stories:

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 09.49.57.jpgJay Slater's final Snapchat. Credit: Snapchat

The teen then apparently told the men that he was going to head back to his accommodation and find a bus.

According to the Daily Mail, a woman named Ofelia Medina Hernandez saw the teen standing by the bus stop outside the Airbnb. She claimed that he had asked about buses back to Los Cristianos.

Hernandez reportedly explained that the next available bus down the mountain in the Parque Rural de Teno wouldn't arrive until two hours later.

"I held up my fingers on my hands to say 10AM as he didn't understand me then I went home briefly before driving up the mountain to Buenavista del Norte, but this time I saw him walking on the road out of the village," she said.

"It was no more than ten or fifteen minutes after I had spoken to him and he was about a kilometre from the house. I drove past him and that's the last I saw him," she added.

At around 8:15AM, Jay called Lucy Mae telling her that he was lost, thirsty, and his phone battery was critically low. He also said that he planned on walking back to their accommodation - a journey that would have taken him around 10 hours on foot.

"He rang me at about 8 o’clock in the morning saying his phone was on 1 percent, he said ‘I don’t know where I am, I need a drink and my phone is about to die,'" Lucy Mae told the Manchester Evening News.

That was their final conversation.

Jay's phone then lost power. His last tracked location was in the Rural de Teno Park, near the village of Masca, a popular hiking area.

Lucy Mae reported Jay missing to local authorities less than an hour later at approximately 9:00AM.

Tuesday (June 18)

Andy Watson, Jay's stepfather, tells The Sun that he and Jay's mom, Debbie Duncan, were informed that Jay was missing by police at their home at 2:30AM on Tuesday (June 18).

After being encouraged to fly out to the island as soon as possible, Debbie and Jay's brother, Zak, landed at around 11:35AM later that day.

Shortly after touching down, mom Debbie received a vile message on Snapchat. It read: "Kiss goodbye to your boy, you're never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money."

Debbie also revealed that she has been receiving calls, adding: "'Some of the phone calls I've been getting have been horrible. I just don't know why people would want to do things like this.

"I've been getting lots of prank calls. It's sickening. People ringing me and saying they've got Jay because he owes them money."

A Facebook group set up by Jay's loved ones also starts to gain traction, as social media users do their best to support the search. As of this writing, the group has more than 485,000 followers.

Wednesday (June 19)

On Wednesday, the Civil Guard shifted their search from the south to the north of the island, focusing on tourist spots near Jay's accommodation in Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas before returning to the north.

The decision came following a possible sighting of Jay, which was later revealed to be incorrect. As a result, search teams returned to the Teno Rural Park near Mascahe - Jay's last known whereabouts.

However, the "false alarm" left Lucy Mae fearing the worst, and she voiced her concerns that somebody was attempting to sabotage the search for Jay.

Per the Mirror, Lucy Mae said: “Someone has given a false lead to the police saying he’s rang a taxi down to Los Cristianos. If this was the case he would have rang his mum or one of us. I know him well and he would NOT have us worrying."

“Someone is trying to deter the police from him being up there," Lucy Mae added. "I’m starting to think he’s been kidnapped.”

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 20.34.24.jpgJay Slater wearing the shirt he believed to have disappeared in. Credit: Instagram

Debbie also spoke out about the police tip, but simply described it as "a false alarm but with good intention." The worried mom told ITN: "Someone thought they had seen him get into a car with two other guys but it was wrong."

But that didn't stop the mom from also fearing something more sinister may have occurred, as she feared Jay had been "taken against his will".

Debbie described the ordeal as a "living nightmare" and expressed regret about encouraging her son to visit Tenerife. She appealed for his safe return, stating, "I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I want my baby back."

Thursday (June 20)

On Thursday - which was described as a "key day" in the search for Jay - rescue teams, volunteers, search dogs, drones, helicopters, and loved ones all continued trying to locate the teen.

448720246_886311386869589_7145596283823255766_n (1).jpegVolunteer firefighters aid in the search for Jay Slater. Credit: Bomberos Voluntarios de Santiago del Teide

However, Lucy Mae expressed dissatisfaction with the Civil Guard's efforts.

Speaking to The Independent, Lucy Mae said: "The police are not doing everything they can.

“It’s been longer than 72 hours now and there isn’t enough going on. They are still asking the same questions that should have been logged at 10:00AM on Monday when I first reported this."

"We need British police here," Lucy Mae added in an interview with the Mirror. "I just want to find my mate. He’s been missing three days. It’s not looking good now. We feel as though it’s down to us to find him and that we’re doing more than the police.

"The police here don’t speak English and don’t even have a translator after three days. I feel like they’re fobbing me off. They’re still asking me the same questions as when I first reported Jay missing.”

Friday (June 21)

On Friday, search teams continued meticulously covering a mountain road and focusing on a ravine before moving to a valley in the village of Masca, per BBC News.

Police and mountain rescue officials also examined a steep area behind the apartment where Slater was reportedly taken.

Investigators also collected garbage bags from the surrounding area in hopes of finding any clues.

In Jay's hometown of Oswaldtwistle, locals started placing blue ribbons on buildings in support of Jay and the Slater family.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 10.11.37.jpg19-year-old Jay Slater went missing after a night out on the island. Credit: Handout

Rach Louise Harg - a family friend who has taken charge of the Facebook account - slams internet trolls for attempting to interfere with the search. Harg also claims that somebody has logged into Jay's Instagram account.

"For everyone asking who has logged into his Instagram account it’s not him or her somebody else has logged into it," she wrote.

Saturday (June 22)

On Saturday, mom Debbie issues a huge update that somebody had come forward with new information regarding a possible sighting of Jay.

In a statement to the MailOnline, the concerned mom said: "Someone has come forward to say they saw someone who they thought was Jay walking back down the road sat on a bench.

“He was with two men looking a bit worse for wear, and they were by a church, this guy has come forward and told the police about it and they are looking into it. We don’t know if it was Jay for sure, but it’s a start.

“They said it was about 6:00PM which is ten hours after he was seen by the lady in the village. But if it was him what was he doing there and who are these two men?

“All I know is that I am going to stay here for as long as it takes, I’m not going home unless it’s with Jay. I’m not going anywhere until they find him."

Authorities also have not confirmed if the sighting was of Jay.

Additionally, the UK's Lancashire Police revealed in a statement that the Spanish Civil Guard had rejected their offer for assistance in the search for Jay.

Per the Manchester Evening News, the statement reads: "First and foremost, our thoughts are with Jay’s family at this time. They must be going through the most distressing ordeal not knowing what has happened to their loved one.

"Whilst this case falls outside the jurisdiction of UK policing, we have made an offer of support to the Guardia Civil to see if they need any additional resources.

"They have confirmed that at this time they are satisfied that they have the resources they need, but that offer remains open and they will contact us should that position change."

Sunday (June 23)

On Sunday, a new video hit social media showing Jay partying on the night he went missing.

The footage - which showed Jay on a dance floor without his shirt on - leading to the possibility that he may have left the venue without his grey and green t-shirt.

The clip is claimed to have been filmed at 1:00AM on Monday. It is unclear whether the teenager had his top on or not when he left the event, with later pictures seeming to show he did have it on. Watch the video below:

Additionally, The Independent reported that investigators had turned their focus on an area by an isolated farm, combing through bags of garbage in hopes of finding any clues.

Jay's father, Warren Slater, also shared an emotional plea, revealing his hopes that "somebody has helped him off this mountain," per Sky News.

"That's all I want, that somebody has helped him get off this mountain. I just want him back and that's it. He's my son," he said in tears, adding that the past week has been "a nightmare, just a nightmare."

"I just want him back and that's it," he concluded.

Monday (June 24)

On Monday, the search continues.

In a positive side to this concerning story, the GoFundMe set up by Jay's loved ones has now hit its £30,000 target.

The money raised will be used cover expenses for Jay's family while they're in Tenerife searching for the teenager.

Sharing a message to the generous donators, Jay's mom wrote on n update: "Hi everyone, this is Debbie, Jay's mother. Thank you all for your generosity and kindness during this difficult time. I wanted to confirm that this is the only GoFundMe fundraiser approved by our family. We have not yet withdrawn any funds and are currently covering the expenses, such as the trip to Tenerife and accommodation, ourselves. The funds will remain on hold with GoFundMe until we post a further update on this page.

"We are extremely worried and are doing everything we can to find Jay. Please continue to share our fundraiser far and wide. Your support means the world to us, and we are grateful for any help you can provide.

"Thank you again."

Featured image credit: Handout/Facebook

Jay Slater has now been missing for 7 days - here's what we know so far


By stefan armitage

Article saved!Article saved!

Today marks seven days since the disappearance on UK teenager Jay Slater.

The 19-year-old - from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire - had been vacationing with his friends in Tenerife while attending the NRG music festival.

However, on Sunday night, Jay decided to stay out with two British men he had met that evening, rather than return to his shared accommodation with friend Lucy Mae Law.

The next morning, at around 8:15AM, Jay called Lucy Mae to say that he was lost, thirsty, and was going to attempt to walk back to their apartment - a journey that would have taken around 10 hours.

Less than an hour later, Lucy Mae reported Jay missing to Spanish authorities.

As the search continues, here's everything we know from the last seven days searching for Jay...

Sunday (June 16)

On Sunday night, Lucy Mae chose to return to their shared accommodation while Jay stayed out with people he had met that evening.

A video appearing to show Jay on a packed dancefloor that evening shows him enjoying the music festival and wearing a grey and green shirt. Check it out below:

A Snapchat video from that evening also shows Jay smiling and wearing the same shirt - later identified by social media users as a Technicals shirt.

On Sunday evening, Jay reportedly left the NRG festival, got into a car, and went back to an Airbnb with two British men.

Per the Daily Mail, the accommodation is called Casa Abuela Tina and costs £40-a-nght to stay. There is currently no suggestion that the two British men have anything to do with the teenager's disappearance.

Monday (June 17)

In the early hours of Monday morning, the two men say Jay stepped outside for a cigarette.

At around 7:00AM, Jay shared the following image to his Snapchat Stories:

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 09.49.57.jpgJay Slater's final Snapchat. Credit: Snapchat

The teen then apparently told the men that he was going to head back to his accommodation and find a bus.

According to the Daily Mail, a woman named Ofelia Medina Hernandez saw the teen standing by the bus stop outside the Airbnb. She claimed that he had asked about buses back to Los Cristianos.

Hernandez reportedly explained that the next available bus down the mountain in the Parque Rural de Teno wouldn't arrive until two hours later.

"I held up my fingers on my hands to say 10AM as he didn't understand me then I went home briefly before driving up the mountain to Buenavista del Norte, but this time I saw him walking on the road out of the village," she said.

"It was no more than ten or fifteen minutes after I had spoken to him and he was about a kilometre from the house. I drove past him and that's the last I saw him," she added.

At around 8:15AM, Jay called Lucy Mae telling her that he was lost, thirsty, and his phone battery was critically low. He also said that he planned on walking back to their accommodation - a journey that would have taken him around 10 hours on foot.

"He rang me at about 8 o’clock in the morning saying his phone was on 1 percent, he said ‘I don’t know where I am, I need a drink and my phone is about to die,'" Lucy Mae told the Manchester Evening News.

That was their final conversation.

Jay's phone then lost power. His last tracked location was in the Rural de Teno Park, near the village of Masca, a popular hiking area.

Lucy Mae reported Jay missing to local authorities less than an hour later at approximately 9:00AM.

Tuesday (June 18)

Andy Watson, Jay's stepfather, tells The Sun that he and Jay's mom, Debbie Duncan, were informed that Jay was missing by police at their home at 2:30AM on Tuesday (June 18).

After being encouraged to fly out to the island as soon as possible, Debbie and Jay's brother, Zak, landed at around 11:35AM later that day.

Shortly after touching down, mom Debbie received a vile message on Snapchat. It read: "Kiss goodbye to your boy, you're never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money."

Debbie also revealed that she has been receiving calls, adding: "'Some of the phone calls I've been getting have been horrible. I just don't know why people would want to do things like this.

"I've been getting lots of prank calls. It's sickening. People ringing me and saying they've got Jay because he owes them money."

A Facebook group set up by Jay's loved ones also starts to gain traction, as social media users do their best to support the search. As of this writing, the group has more than 485,000 followers.

Wednesday (June 19)

On Wednesday, the Civil Guard shifted their search from the south to the north of the island, focusing on tourist spots near Jay's accommodation in Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas before returning to the north.

The decision came following a possible sighting of Jay, which was later revealed to be incorrect. As a result, search teams returned to the Teno Rural Park near Mascahe - Jay's last known whereabouts.

However, the "false alarm" left Lucy Mae fearing the worst, and she voiced her concerns that somebody was attempting to sabotage the search for Jay.

Per the Mirror, Lucy Mae said: “Someone has given a false lead to the police saying he’s rang a taxi down to Los Cristianos. If this was the case he would have rang his mum or one of us. I know him well and he would NOT have us worrying."

“Someone is trying to deter the police from him being up there," Lucy Mae added. "I’m starting to think he’s been kidnapped.”

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 20.34.24.jpgJay Slater wearing the shirt he believed to have disappeared in. Credit: Instagram

Debbie also spoke out about the police tip, but simply described it as "a false alarm but with good intention." The worried mom told ITN: "Someone thought they had seen him get into a car with two other guys but it was wrong."

But that didn't stop the mom from also fearing something more sinister may have occurred, as she feared Jay had been "taken against his will".

Debbie described the ordeal as a "living nightmare" and expressed regret about encouraging her son to visit Tenerife. She appealed for his safe return, stating, "I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I want my baby back."

Thursday (June 20)

On Thursday - which was described as a "key day" in the search for Jay - rescue teams, volunteers, search dogs, drones, helicopters, and loved ones all continued trying to locate the teen.

448720246_886311386869589_7145596283823255766_n (1).jpegVolunteer firefighters aid in the search for Jay Slater. Credit: Bomberos Voluntarios de Santiago del Teide

However, Lucy Mae expressed dissatisfaction with the Civil Guard's efforts.

Speaking to The Independent, Lucy Mae said: "The police are not doing everything they can.

“It’s been longer than 72 hours now and there isn’t enough going on. They are still asking the same questions that should have been logged at 10:00AM on Monday when I first reported this."

"We need British police here," Lucy Mae added in an interview with the Mirror. "I just want to find my mate. He’s been missing three days. It’s not looking good now. We feel as though it’s down to us to find him and that we’re doing more than the police.

"The police here don’t speak English and don’t even have a translator after three days. I feel like they’re fobbing me off. They’re still asking me the same questions as when I first reported Jay missing.”

Friday (June 21)

On Friday, search teams continued meticulously covering a mountain road and focusing on a ravine before moving to a valley in the village of Masca, per BBC News.

Police and mountain rescue officials also examined a steep area behind the apartment where Slater was reportedly taken.

Investigators also collected garbage bags from the surrounding area in hopes of finding any clues.

In Jay's hometown of Oswaldtwistle, locals started placing blue ribbons on buildings in support of Jay and the Slater family.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 10.11.37.jpg19-year-old Jay Slater went missing after a night out on the island. Credit: Handout

Rach Louise Harg - a family friend who has taken charge of the Facebook account - slams internet trolls for attempting to interfere with the search. Harg also claims that somebody has logged into Jay's Instagram account.

"For everyone asking who has logged into his Instagram account it’s not him or her somebody else has logged into it," she wrote.

Saturday (June 22)

On Saturday, mom Debbie issues a huge update that somebody had come forward with new information regarding a possible sighting of Jay.

In a statement to the MailOnline, the concerned mom said: "Someone has come forward to say they saw someone who they thought was Jay walking back down the road sat on a bench.

“He was with two men looking a bit worse for wear, and they were by a church, this guy has come forward and told the police about it and they are looking into it. We don’t know if it was Jay for sure, but it’s a start.

“They said it was about 6:00PM which is ten hours after he was seen by the lady in the village. But if it was him what was he doing there and who are these two men?

“All I know is that I am going to stay here for as long as it takes, I’m not going home unless it’s with Jay. I’m not going anywhere until they find him."

Authorities also have not confirmed if the sighting was of Jay.

Additionally, the UK's Lancashire Police revealed in a statement that the Spanish Civil Guard had rejected their offer for assistance in the search for Jay.

Per the Manchester Evening News, the statement reads: "First and foremost, our thoughts are with Jay’s family at this time. They must be going through the most distressing ordeal not knowing what has happened to their loved one.

"Whilst this case falls outside the jurisdiction of UK policing, we have made an offer of support to the Guardia Civil to see if they need any additional resources.

"They have confirmed that at this time they are satisfied that they have the resources they need, but that offer remains open and they will contact us should that position change."

Sunday (June 23)

On Sunday, a new video hit social media showing Jay partying on the night he went missing.

The footage - which showed Jay on a dance floor without his shirt on - leading to the possibility that he may have left the venue without his grey and green t-shirt.

The clip is claimed to have been filmed at 1:00AM on Monday. It is unclear whether the teenager had his top on or not when he left the event, with later pictures seeming to show he did have it on. Watch the video below:

Additionally, The Independent reported that investigators had turned their focus on an area by an isolated farm, combing through bags of garbage in hopes of finding any clues.

Jay's father, Warren Slater, also shared an emotional plea, revealing his hopes that "somebody has helped him off this mountain," per Sky News.

"That's all I want, that somebody has helped him get off this mountain. I just want him back and that's it. He's my son," he said in tears, adding that the past week has been "a nightmare, just a nightmare."

"I just want him back and that's it," he concluded.

Monday (June 24)

On Monday, the search continues.

In a positive side to this concerning story, the GoFundMe set up by Jay's loved ones has now hit its £30,000 target.

The money raised will be used cover expenses for Jay's family while they're in Tenerife searching for the teenager.

Sharing a message to the generous donators, Jay's mom wrote on n update: "Hi everyone, this is Debbie, Jay's mother. Thank you all for your generosity and kindness during this difficult time. I wanted to confirm that this is the only GoFundMe fundraiser approved by our family. We have not yet withdrawn any funds and are currently covering the expenses, such as the trip to Tenerife and accommodation, ourselves. The funds will remain on hold with GoFundMe until we post a further update on this page.

"We are extremely worried and are doing everything we can to find Jay. Please continue to share our fundraiser far and wide. Your support means the world to us, and we are grateful for any help you can provide.

"Thank you again."

Featured image credit: Handout/Facebook