Bodycam footage shows incredible moment cops save 1-year-old from choking



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Bodycam footage from police officers in Kissimmee, Florida, has been released showing the moment a team of cops saved a one-year-old boy from choking as his distressed mom helplessly watched on, the Daily Mail has reported.

On Saturday evening, one-year-old baby 'MJ' started turning blue after a goldfish cracker became lodged in his windpipe. Writing about the horrifying incident on Facebook, MJ's mom, Amanda Zimmerman, recalled the moment she noticed her son struggling to breathe: "He swallowed one whole and he began to choke. Nothing I did was working and I could see he was starting to turn blue."

It was at this moment that the panicked mom ran out of her house and into the street in order to find help. Fortunately, at around 18:15, police officer Miguel Lanzo was passing by in his patrol car.

In her Facebook post, the mom recalls: "I flagged him down with my son in my hands and handed him to the officer".

Lanzo then called for help and additional officers arrived on the scene. Incredible bodycam footage then shows the dramatic rescue as it unfolded in front of the helpless Zimmerman, who can be heard screaming "Oh my god!"

Check out the bodycam footage below. These officers are true heroes:

As another officer takes the distressed mother to the side, Lanzo can be heard saying, "He's not responding". A third officer then takes baby MJ and continues to pat him on the back. The officers then turn the one-year-old over to attempt the Heimlich maneuver.

Zimmerman later described the incident on Facebook as "'the worst thing a mother could imagine".

After endlessly applying lifesaving techniques, a limp MJ is then passed over to the first responders who arrived on the scene. After being transferred to a nearby hospital, MJ was declared to be in a stable condition, despite not breathing for "10 minutes", the Mail reports.

While admitting that the entire ordeal turned her into a "complete mess", Zimmerman did say that it was no coincidence that the officers were around at the very moment she needed them the most. MJ was released from the intensive care unit a day later and made a "full recovery".

Bodycams are incredible pieces of technology everybody should be thankful for. This is the moment a cop saved a man from drowning:

At a press conference on Wednesday, Zimmerman praised the heroic officers who acted so quickly to save her son's life. Writing on her Faebook page, she said: "To all the officers on scene, the EMT team, the nurses, emergency room doctors, ICU doctors, I can never express or put into words how thankful I am. You all saved my son's life. Every hand that touched him and was there, I am THANKFUL.

"You are all heroes. True heroes,' she wrote. 'God is good and everything happens for a reason."