A new TV show is looking for the loudest snorers



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Those of us who are light sleepers know how difficult it can be to fall asleep and, most importantly, stay asleep without the slightest hint of noise waking us up from our short-lived slumber.

But you certainly don't have to be a light sleeper to be seemingly unable to fall asleep - if the person you are sleeping next to happens to be a particularly loud snorer. I mean, every single one of us snores every now and then - some people, however, snore from the moment their head hits the pillow, and at an insufferably loud volume.

It's not all bad, though, because if you do happen to share a bed with someone who snores incredibly loudly, they might just be in with a chance at landing a spot on an upcoming TV show.

Credit: 894

Yep, a brand new show is on a quest to find the UK's loudest snorers. So if you happen to be a loud snorer or know someone else who is, this could be your ticket to fame.

Producers for the currently unnamed show are specifically looking for couples in which one partner is significantly impacted by other's snoring.

Here's a brief run-through of what the producers are looking for, courtesy of Firecracker Films spokesman:

"Is your partner's snoring ruining your life? Is sleep a long and distant memory? Are you at the end of your tether? If so, we want to hear from you. Firecracker Films is making an exciting new show for a major terrestrial broadcaster and we're looking to find some of Britain's biggest and loudest snorers."

Not everyone is kept awake at night as a result of unbearably loud snoring. This woman has a condition which has earned her the nickname, 'Sleeping Beauty':

If you're interested in appearing on the show, fill out the application form here. Also, note that all participants must be 18 and over and that filming is set to begin next month.