Post Malone has got yet another new tattoo on his face and people are conflicted



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There aren't many artists that have the power to divide quite like Post Malone. The rapper, who is riding a wave of unrivalled success at the moment, is both universally hated and adored at the same time.

But for all the feelings of contempt or adulation, there is one thing that absolutely everyone agrees on: Post Malone looks like he smells.

However, while the comments about Post Malone's potential smell are nothing more than a joke, some of the comments that the rapper has made about hip-hop culture have also kicked up a stink.

Speaking to GQ, Malone said that being a white man in the world of hip-hop is hard, something that did not go down well with fans.

"I definitely feel like there’s a struggle being a white rapper," he said. "But I don’t want to be a rapper. I just want to be a person that makes music. I make music that I like and I think that kicks ass, that I think the people who fuck with me as a person and as an artist will like."

He echoed the sentiment throughout the interview, adding: "It should just be music, you know?"

Rather than feeling sympathy for the multi-millionaire superstar, the majority of people called on Post to quit music if he doesn't want to be part of hip-hop culture. One Twitter user wrote: "Stop making rap music if it’s so hard for you." Another added: "Go make non-hip hop, rap, R&B music and watch your career crash. No one is stopping him. Hip Hop isn’t holding Post Malone back from making ‘real’ music. He’s just wack."

It's not the first time that Post has divided hip-hop fans. In November of last year, he claimed that fans “looking for lyrics” or “looking to cry” or “looking to think about life,” should look beyond rap - something which seems mind-boggling when you consider that many of the greatest wordsmiths of all time are rappers. “It’s crazy that after all this time im still being questioned,” he wrote in response to critiques. “Suck my f***ing d**k i don’t have to explain s**t. i do this s**t because i love to do this s**t.”

Aside from his musical opinions and potential smell, Post Malone is also known for his striking appearance. The rapper is covered in tattoos and seem is continuously adding to his ever-expanding collection on his face. Last month, the rapper got "Always Tired" tattooed underneath his eyes.

When asked by Tim Westwood why he had chosen those two words specifically, he replied: "I tried to do something that's relatively the same length of letters. "I guess 'always' is more letters than 'tired,' but I was tired, so I didn't realise."

But, while you think the words, a sword and a thorn crown would be enough tattoos for one face, Malone has decided to add another one to the collection.

During his recent trip to Japan, Post visited the Three Tides Tattoo parlour in Tokyo and added another inking to his face by the infamous artist Ganji.

Safe to say, some people on Twitter weren't too sure by the latest addition.

While Post's collection of tattoos is undoubtedly diverse, he'd struggle to get work in the real world looking like that. Maybe he should stop criticising the culture that is lining his pockets and giving him a lucrative career.