There's no doubt that we'd all love to know what celebrities are really like underneath their glamorous outward facadé.
What one of us hasn't thought about what it would be like to get up close and personal with someone famous, and see how they really interact with the general public away from the cameras?
So if that interests you then I invite you to read on. Because this week a Tik Tok user by the name of Laura Mesrobian has gone viral on social media, after ranking all the celebrities she served as a waitress in New York City out of ten.
Laura, an actor, singer, and musician who previously worked full time as a waitress at a classy New York restaurant, took to her official TikTok account to share her thoughts on some of the celebrities she had the pleasure (or displeasure) of serving.
In her first video, Lara rated Jake Gyllenhall seven out of ten, stating:
"Yes, he's f***ing gorgeous. Yes, his eyes will pierce your soul. But, kind of whiney. Really likes Pinot Noir and french fries. Always has friends. Somehow never paid, but he was pretty fun."

She then moved on to Greta Gerwig, who got the most impressive rating of eleven out of ten. Laura stated:
"A true queen. Dude, this girl was so fun. She had just finished her pregnancy at the time and given birth to her kid. She talked to me for like two minutes at the bar about how much her t**s had changed.
"Totally would wanna party with her all night. Just a super good presence in the room."
However, she was unimpressed by director Noah Bombauch, giving him four out of ten and writing:
"With Miss Gerwig comes another person. Mr. Squid and the Whale. Jeff didn't match the vibes of Miss Gerwig. Didn't seem like he was having any fun. Kind of see how Noah Baumbach would make Marriage Story."
Meanwhile, Julianne Moore scored an impressive eight out of ten, with Laura commenting:
"Beautiful, classy, and sweet. One of the few celebrities to look you in the eye and say, 'Thank you.' Great skin. Really tiny. Joy overall."
Glenn Close scored seven out of ten, with Laura commenting:
"Regal, composed. Some people had thought of it as cold, but I don't think so. She'd probably dealt with a lot of people by this time, so give her a break.
"With Glenn Close always came [her dog], Pip. Pip had full reign to run around the restaraunt as much as he wanted. Not the most fun, but the dog was pretty funny, and it was overall okay."

Amanda Seyfried also earned eight out of ten, with Laura stating:
"Came in on a super busy night with her husband but was really sweet and super understanding. Got a cheese board. Overall pretty great."
Frances McDormand earned nine out of ten, with Laura saying:
"All she said to me was, 'Are you our waitress? Because we need alcohol right now.'"
Dakota Fanning earned a solid seven out of ten, with Laura commenting on her:
"Seems like a really normal person. Met a girlfriend there, split a bottle of wine. Solid tipper. Can't complain."
Finally, Laura revealed she'd also served former First Lady Hilary Clinton, stating:
"It was post-election. She had been through it. I was thinking maybe she'd want red wine or something relaxing. Hillary Clinton was drinking tequila sodas. 9/10 for drink choice. 2/10 for war hawk policies. [sic]"
So there you have it; those are Laura's ratings. So if you're a waiter or waitress, and you happen to serve one of these celebrities in the near future, then keep please Laura's advice in mind. You won't regret it!