Graphic simulation shows what really happens when you pluck a hair from your skin


By Asiya Ali

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A new graphic simulation has revealed what really happens when you pluck unwanted hair from your skin.

GettyImages-459395487.jpgA disturbing simulation shows what really happens when you pluck a hair from your skin. Credit: PeopleImages / Getty

From stray chin hairs to rogue brow strands, many turn to plucking as a quick fix.

But according to YouTuber Zackdfilms' latest simulation, repeated plucking may come with some unexpected consequences.

The YouTuber, who has captivated 19.8 million followers with his bizarre animations, has revealed exactly what happens when a hair is plucked - and it’s enough to make anyone reconsider their grooming routine.

The clip begins with Zackdfilms stating the obvious, which is that most people use tweezers to remove "unwanted hairs" because it seems like an “easy way” to get rid of them.

But what happens beneath the surface is where things get unsettling. “Plucking actually rips out the entire root. This damages the follicle, which can cause the new hair to grow in at an angle,” he explains.

The simulation then shows a traumatized, pulsating follicle left behind after the hair is yanked out. When the hair regrows, instead of emerging smoothly, it twists in the wrong direction and fails to break through the skin, resulting in an ingrown hair.

While one ingrown hair may not seem like a big deal, the video warns that constant plucking can lead to irritation, redness, painful bumps, and long-term damage.

“If you continue to repeatedly pluck like this, your follicles can become so damaged that it can no longer grow hair,” the animation states.

It’s safe to say the unsettling visuals have left an impact on viewers. "I never thought I would have a fear of ingrown hair," one user said, while another commented: "New fear unlocked: ingrown hairs…"

A third quipped: "This whole channel makes me rethink my life decisions."

GettyImages-472292547.jpgThe video warns that constant plucking can lead to irritation, redness, painful bumps, and long-term damage. Credit: Big_Ryan / Getty

Ingrown hairs aren’t inherently dangerous, but they can appear as itchy, blistered bumps, often filled with pus. They’re most common on the face, neck, legs, armpits, chest, back, and pubic area.

On a more severe scale, the Mayo Clinic warns that ingrown hairs can lead to bacterial infections, especially if scratched, along with hyperpigmentation, scarring, and even keloids.

For those with a curiosity for the unsettling, Zackdfilms has plenty more disturbing content.

He has also shared what somebody would see if they went blind, the grim fate of a woman whose foot became trapped in an elevator door, and the torture method used to punish sailors at sea.

Featured image credit: Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty