A woman who suffered a miscarriage has made an incredible altruistic gesture by donating 500oz of breast milk to other moms in need.
Sierra Strangfeld, who hails from Neillsville in Wisconsin was told she would lose her baby when she was 20 weeks pregnant. The baby, whom she'd intended to name Samuel, had a rare condition called Edwards’ Syndrome. This chromosomal issue causes severe fetal developmental delays in the womb, and Samuel died just three hours out of the womb after being delivered by caesarian section.
In honor of the son she lost, Sierra decided to pump an incredible 500oz of her own breast milk, to donate in bags to the hospital, where they would go to NICU babies in need.
Commenting on her selfless charitable donations and her harrowing medical ordeal in a recent interview with People, Sierra stated: "It was earth-shattering, not knowing what our future held. Not knowing if we’d get to meet our baby or not. I felt in a daze most days. But cherishing every second of every day that I got to carry him."
She continued: "It was something I could control. I couldn’t control Samuel’s diagnosis. I couldn’t control his life, or his death. But I could control what I did afterwards. It was the last, physical thing connecting me to him here on Earth. I couldn’t save Samuel’s life, but by donating my milk, maybe I could help save another baby’s life."
"It was a good feeling, knowing I was going to help someone else in need. But it was also very emotional. I could feed a complete stranger’s baby, but didn’t get to feed my own. Samuel was the reason I had milk to give, and I would do that in his honor. I tried to look at it in a more positive light, and It was actually much harder (mentally) to stop pumping than I thought it would be!" she added.
Hats off to you Sierra: you truly are an inspiration to us all...