People furious over manager's passive aggressive note banning cashiers from sitting down


By James Kay

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A manager's passive-aggressive note has sparked fury online as people question why cashiers in the US aren't allowed to sit down.

Going to work isn't many people's favorite thing to do - but sadly money makes the world go round and if we don't work, we can't do the things that we enjoy.

One thing that can make or break your working experience is the managers that you encounter along the way - because they can have a huge impact on your day-to-day life.

Particularly in a customer-facing role, I personally believe that a manager's responsibility should be ensuring that their staff are happy and have everything they need to carry out the tasks at hand - and then the employees will take care of the customers.

There's nothing worse than a bad manager. Credit: ljubaphoto/Getty

Sadly, some have a superiority complex - and when that gets mixed with the weird belief that cashiers shouldn't sit down, it's a recipe for disaster.

For what it's worth, it seems like cashiers having to stand is a US thing as those in Europe are often allowed to sit... and are able to perform their roles easily.

Taking to Reddit, a photo caught the attention of thousands of users after a seat displayed a sign, saying: "We do not sit at the register. This is Dollar General NOT Aldi."

The passive-aggressive note. Credit: u/Whadyagot/Reddit

Aldi is one of the most popular stores in Europe, originating in Germany, and is famous for the cashiers scanning things at lightning speed.

Naturally, the passive-aggressive note from the manager did not sit well with viewers, who quickly added their opinions in the comments.

One person said: "I live in Sweden, I don't think I have ever cared one way or another if someone sits or stands as a cashier. I have never gone to a store or not gone to a store because 'urgh, I can't stand those sitters!'"

Aldi is a popular store across the world. Credit: Matt Cardy/Getty

A second added: "Aldi pays more and lets you sit, why would anyone in the world work at dollar general," while a third said: "If I managed a Dollar General I’d definitely be providing my cashiers comfortable stools to sit on. Standing all day is going to fatigue the cashiers and fatigued cashiers are more likely to make mistakes."

A fourth person didn't hold back, stating: "They’ll say they want you to look eager to help and professional. But f*** you if you have any knee/foot/ankle/back pain."

Do you care if the cashier is sitting while you're at the store?

Featured image credit: ljubaphoto/Getty