Man refuses to give up bus seat for pregnant woman after working '10-hour shift', divides social media


By Phoebe Egoroff

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There's nothing worse than being on your feet all day, only to hop on public transport on your way home and find that there's nowhere to rest your weary legs. Let's face it: it sucks.

Your legs are swelling, feet burning, back aching... it's a nightmare.

Well, this was the case for one man who sparked a debate on Reddit after revealing he didn't want to give up his bus seat for a heavily pregnant woman.


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Credit: Jansos / Alamy

Posting his experience on the aptly-named Reddit subforum Am I The A**hole?, the man explained that his feet were sore after he'd completed a ten-hour shift at work, so when a pregnant woman asked him to give up his seat, he flat-out refused.

Titling the controversial thread: "AITA for not giving up my seat to a pregnant woman?" the Redditor explained that as he was riding a bus when a heavily pregnant woman came aboard. She immediately looked for a seat, but there were none left, and because he was closest, she looked at him imploringly.

He wrote: "I just told her no, I've had a long day and my feet are sore. I don't want to give up my seat. She started crying about how she's a pregnant single mom, and I told her I'm sorry, but that was her personal choice and she can't expect other people to accommodate her life choices."

He then explained that he shouldn't have to make concessions to her because she can't afford a car to drive. It was at this point that an elderly man on the bus interjected, and berated the original poster for refusing to give up his seat to the woman. He then offered to give the woman his seat, but as the exchange took place, the pair fell over.

Credit: Pexels / João Jesus

"They started yelling at me, calling me all sorts of nasty names, but I just looked the other way and ignored it," he wrote.

Unsurprisingly, this was a particularly controversial revelation, and many Reddit users took to the comments section to slam the man for his actions.

One wrote: "The whole giving up seats for the pregnant and the elderly thing isn't because they're pregnant/elderly, it's because these particular groups are more likely to fall and suffer serious injuries when they do.

"OP, being tired sucks, but being tired and sore doesn't make you more vulnerable to bad falls, being pregnant does. That's why you're supposed to give up your seat. YTA and a massive one at that (because of the rant)."

Credit: Reddit / Akamekitty

A second added: "Yeah - [you're the a**hole]

"Did you know that being heavily pregnant really alters your balance, let alone the tired thing?

"No - you didn't ask her to be pregnant, but you can, as an able-bodied otherwise healthy person just choose to be nice."

Credit: Reddit / banjo_fandango

Meanwhile, a third Reddit user criticized the other bus patrons for not offering up their seats either.

Credit: Reddit / Fishinwild-Bootswfur

However, some people agreed with the original poster and said he had every right to say no to the pregnant woman.

One wrote: "NTA. She asked and you said no, you aren't obligated to give up your seat, that's why there are sections in buses for pregnant and old people, she could've gone to those seats. I've had days where my feet were so sore from standing all day they would swell, and in those days I for sure wouldn't give up my seat."

Credit: Reddit / cheetothechameleon

A second chimed: "OK, first - who gets to decide that she needs the seat more than OP? Were you in OP's shoes? I can imagine the answer is no.

"Second - if the lady had taken no as an answer and moved along (apparently common sense is not so common anymore) she could likely get a seat from someone else.

"Third - if the elderly guy wasn't 'enjoying' the spectacle and offered his seat earlier (as apparently he didn't need it that much) - they wouldn't have fallen.

"So I'll say it again - NTA."

Credit: Reddit / DoomMachineII

A third agreed, writing: "NTA I completely agree. Not your fault she got on public transportation knowing that there might not be sitting room. She can deal until there's one available."

Credit: Reddit / EssTenLives

Who's the a**hole in this situation? Should a pregnant woman take priority over a tired shift worker, or the other way around? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Featured image credit: Alex Segre / Alamy