Bride's sister is praised for walking out of wedding after being 'humiliated' by maid of honor's speech


By James Kay

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A woman has been praised after she left her sisters wedding when the maid of honor directed a pretty nasty joke in her direction.

Don't get me wrong, I think poking fun at people in wedding speeches is great as long as it is done right.

There's a fine line between playful banter that everyone will find funny, and just bashing people for no reason.

If you can find the balance, you've got a great speech on your hands... but if you can't, it can end pretty badly as one woman found out.

A wedding reception is often where speeches are made. Credit: Stephanie Nantel/Getty

Writing on the popular Am I The A**hole forum on Reddit, a woman has opened up about how one wedding speech left her "humiliated".

While the ceremony proceeded smoothly, the reception took a turn when the maid-of-honor, who is also the bride’s best friend, made a controversial joke during her speech.

“It was emotional and all but then she made a joke about how I was the family screw-up, who finally managed to do something right by not messing up my bridesmaid duties,” the bridesmaid recounted. “Everyone laughed but I didn’t find it funny.”

The bridesmaid, who has faced significant mental health challenges in recent years, expressed that the joke was deeply hurtful.

She noted that she has worked hard to get her life back on track and found no humor in being the butt of the maid-of-honor’s joke.

The speech involved a cruel joke towards the bride's sister. Credit: Kobus Louw/Getty

“Hearing that joke in front of all our family and friends wasn’t funny at all,” she continued. “My sister’s best friend and I never really got along but still, I never expected something like this from her. Especially the day wasn’t about me at all then why bring me up in the speech?”

The bridesmaid explained that she stepped outside after the speech, visibly upset. Her sister followed, attempting to downplay the incident by saying it was “just a joke” and that the maid-of-honor “meant nothing bad” by it.

Despite this, the bridesmaid was too distressed to continue and decided to leave the wedding.

“I tried to go back inside but I just couldn’t and I ended up leaving the wedding early. My parents understood why I was upset but my sister is angry with me,” she concluded.

“I do feel terrible for leaving but I also feel like I had the right to feel hurt and humiliated.”

In an update, the bridesmaid clarified that she didn’t react immediately to avoid causing a scene. She also shared that she is not close to the maid-of-honor, who has previously expressed discomfort around people struggling with mental health issues.

People flocked to the comments to defend the Redditor, with one person writing: "No one wants to be the butt of a joke and the friend should have run the speech by your sister prior. Very poor taste."

It's safe to say that the speech didn't go down well. Credit: Corbis/VCG/Getty

A second person said: "You were publicly insulted and humiliated at your sister's wedding. Leaving early is a reasonable response."

A third added: "You were upset. You left to avoid causing a big scene. That was the right thing to do.

"Anger is an emotion. Let your sister learn to deal with her emotions. It's not up to you to bend to her will and sit there taking 'jokes' given at your expense."

Featured image credit: Kobus Louw/Getty

Bride's sister is praised for walking out of wedding after being 'humiliated' by maid of honor's speech


By James Kay

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A woman has been praised after she left her sisters wedding when the maid of honor directed a pretty nasty joke in her direction.

Don't get me wrong, I think poking fun at people in wedding speeches is great as long as it is done right.

There's a fine line between playful banter that everyone will find funny, and just bashing people for no reason.

If you can find the balance, you've got a great speech on your hands... but if you can't, it can end pretty badly as one woman found out.

A wedding reception is often where speeches are made. Credit: Stephanie Nantel/Getty

Writing on the popular Am I The A**hole forum on Reddit, a woman has opened up about how one wedding speech left her "humiliated".

While the ceremony proceeded smoothly, the reception took a turn when the maid-of-honor, who is also the bride’s best friend, made a controversial joke during her speech.

“It was emotional and all but then she made a joke about how I was the family screw-up, who finally managed to do something right by not messing up my bridesmaid duties,” the bridesmaid recounted. “Everyone laughed but I didn’t find it funny.”

The bridesmaid, who has faced significant mental health challenges in recent years, expressed that the joke was deeply hurtful.

She noted that she has worked hard to get her life back on track and found no humor in being the butt of the maid-of-honor’s joke.

The speech involved a cruel joke towards the bride's sister. Credit: Kobus Louw/Getty

“Hearing that joke in front of all our family and friends wasn’t funny at all,” she continued. “My sister’s best friend and I never really got along but still, I never expected something like this from her. Especially the day wasn’t about me at all then why bring me up in the speech?”

The bridesmaid explained that she stepped outside after the speech, visibly upset. Her sister followed, attempting to downplay the incident by saying it was “just a joke” and that the maid-of-honor “meant nothing bad” by it.

Despite this, the bridesmaid was too distressed to continue and decided to leave the wedding.

“I tried to go back inside but I just couldn’t and I ended up leaving the wedding early. My parents understood why I was upset but my sister is angry with me,” she concluded.

“I do feel terrible for leaving but I also feel like I had the right to feel hurt and humiliated.”

In an update, the bridesmaid clarified that she didn’t react immediately to avoid causing a scene. She also shared that she is not close to the maid-of-honor, who has previously expressed discomfort around people struggling with mental health issues.

People flocked to the comments to defend the Redditor, with one person writing: "No one wants to be the butt of a joke and the friend should have run the speech by your sister prior. Very poor taste."

It's safe to say that the speech didn't go down well. Credit: Corbis/VCG/Getty

A second person said: "You were publicly insulted and humiliated at your sister's wedding. Leaving early is a reasonable response."

A third added: "You were upset. You left to avoid causing a big scene. That was the right thing to do.

"Anger is an emotion. Let your sister learn to deal with her emotions. It's not up to you to bend to her will and sit there taking 'jokes' given at your expense."

Featured image credit: Kobus Louw/Getty