Divorce attorney reveals the which professions men should avoid in a spouse


By James Kay

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A divorce attorney has taken to social media to advise men on the professions that they should avoid when finding a partner.

I'll be honest, I've never really given much of a thought to the occupation of my partners but I assume that means that they've been fairly normal.

If I were to start dating a secret agent who was on missions for most of the year then maybe it would become more of a problem.

But it turns out, that there are certain professions that we men should avoid dating... apparently.

GettyImages-1133839838.jpgDivorce is usually the last resort for couples. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty

Known on TikTok as @jettiegirl28, or KK, this lawyer has previously sparked controversy by identifying certain professions as high-risk for potential partners.

In an earlier video, she listed the top five professions women should be cautious of when dating men. Her latest revelation, however, is even more surprising.

KK begins her video by admitting she hesitated to share her findings, knowing it would upset many.

However, after numerous requests for a gender-reversed version of her previous video, she felt compelled to respond.

"I will go ahead and respond to the most-asked question from my last video, which is: 'What professions in women should men avoid?'" KK stated.

She clarified that the risky professions for men she previously mentioned - firemen, police officers, military personnel, surgeons, and pilots - do not apply to women. "I've had one military female client who was difficult, but other than that, I've not seen any correlation," she explained.

Based on her thirteen years of experience, KK revealed that "teacher" and "nurse" were the most common professions among her female clients. However, she emphasized that these were not cases where the women were particularly difficult or litigious.

The attorney then took a deep breath before disclosing the most common profession of difficult female clients: "stay-at-home mom."

"Hate me, I know y'all are going to hate me. Let me explain why," she quickly added before detailing her reasons.

"When you're divorcing a stay-at-home mom, they are paralyzed with fear. And rightfully so, because their whole life is going to change.

"They're going to have to go back to the workforce, they're going to have to possibly move, their finances are going to be very different," KK explained.

GettyImages-1600279142.jpgKK advises men to stay away from teachers, nurses, and stay-at-home moms. Credit: bymuratdeniz/Getty

She went on: "So they tend to stick their head in the sand and stall. And so the cases become very contested and very expensive."

She also noted that stay-at-home moms often find themselves in divorces due to differing interests with their working partners.

"They tend to focus so much on the children, and the husband focuses so much on career, that they don't feel appreciated by one another. The husband starts feeling like an ATM and the wife becomes completely focused on the children. And they tend to grow apart, so I think that's why it's the most common," KK said.

Do you agree?

Featured image credit: bymuratdeniz/Getty

Divorce attorney reveals the which professions men should avoid in a spouse


By James Kay

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A divorce attorney has taken to social media to advise men on the professions that they should avoid when finding a partner.

I'll be honest, I've never really given much of a thought to the occupation of my partners but I assume that means that they've been fairly normal.

If I were to start dating a secret agent who was on missions for most of the year then maybe it would become more of a problem.

But it turns out, that there are certain professions that we men should avoid dating... apparently.

GettyImages-1133839838.jpgDivorce is usually the last resort for couples. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty

Known on TikTok as @jettiegirl28, or KK, this lawyer has previously sparked controversy by identifying certain professions as high-risk for potential partners.

In an earlier video, she listed the top five professions women should be cautious of when dating men. Her latest revelation, however, is even more surprising.

KK begins her video by admitting she hesitated to share her findings, knowing it would upset many.

However, after numerous requests for a gender-reversed version of her previous video, she felt compelled to respond.

"I will go ahead and respond to the most-asked question from my last video, which is: 'What professions in women should men avoid?'" KK stated.

She clarified that the risky professions for men she previously mentioned - firemen, police officers, military personnel, surgeons, and pilots - do not apply to women. "I've had one military female client who was difficult, but other than that, I've not seen any correlation," she explained.

Based on her thirteen years of experience, KK revealed that "teacher" and "nurse" were the most common professions among her female clients. However, she emphasized that these were not cases where the women were particularly difficult or litigious.

The attorney then took a deep breath before disclosing the most common profession of difficult female clients: "stay-at-home mom."

"Hate me, I know y'all are going to hate me. Let me explain why," she quickly added before detailing her reasons.

"When you're divorcing a stay-at-home mom, they are paralyzed with fear. And rightfully so, because their whole life is going to change.

"They're going to have to go back to the workforce, they're going to have to possibly move, their finances are going to be very different," KK explained.

GettyImages-1600279142.jpgKK advises men to stay away from teachers, nurses, and stay-at-home moms. Credit: bymuratdeniz/Getty

She went on: "So they tend to stick their head in the sand and stall. And so the cases become very contested and very expensive."

She also noted that stay-at-home moms often find themselves in divorces due to differing interests with their working partners.

"They tend to focus so much on the children, and the husband focuses so much on career, that they don't feel appreciated by one another. The husband starts feeling like an ATM and the wife becomes completely focused on the children. And they tend to grow apart, so I think that's why it's the most common," KK said.

Do you agree?

Featured image credit: bymuratdeniz/Getty