These are the excuses guys who are cheating are most likely to use



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Finding out that your significant other has been cheating on you is never nice, especially if you've had an uneasy feeling about them for a little while. Maybe they're overly protective over their phone, or seem to be neglecting you in the bedroom department, there are certain things that can give you a niggling feeling that something isn't quite right.

The best thing, of course, is to approach your partner with your doubts, and ask them in a not-too-accusing way if anyone else is on their mind. However, if this gets you no-where and you've still got a feeling there might be someone else in the picture, there might be some other cues that could give away that he's being unfaithful.

Infamous infidelity website Ashley Madison has released data about the top excuses men tell their partners when they're off to visit their secret lover. The match-making service marketed to people who are married or in relationships who are seeking like-minded adulterers surveyed 1,491 of its male members to ask which excuses they use on their girlfriends or wives, and these are the top 5. Read on, and if anything sounds like something you've heard all too often, something could be up...

1. "I'm working late tonight"

This is the most common excuse, with 32 per cent of cheating men saying they're stressed because they're behind on work and need to stay back to catch up on everything, while they're probably on their way to a rendezvous with someone else.

2. "I'm going out with the guys"

21 per cent of guys say they're "going out with the boys", a convenient excuse given you'd hardly want to tag along on his boys nights just as you don't want him on your girl dates. Plus, many girls don't want to pester about who they were with or where they are, lest they seem obsessive and possessive.

3. "I have a business trip this weekend"

This one buys the philanderer a good 48 hours, and 15 per cent of them are most likely to use the "business trip" excuse to spend more time with their mistress without any time pressure.

4. "I have a thing with my coworkers tonight"

The cross-section of number 1 and 2, it seems that 14 per cent of men say they're heading out "with coworkers" and doing their duty to socialise with colleagues – seems innocent enough, right?

5. "I'm just going to hit the gym for a bit"

Well, 9 per cent of men use the excuse that they're going for a workout at the gym, despite the fact that they're probably getting a workout in a significantly different want. If you notice he doesn't even have his sneakers with him, you know something's up.

Have you heard your boyfriend or husband uttering any of the above? If so, it might be time to sit them down and have a serious chat.

And in case you might need of some revenge inspiration, here are 17 times cheaters got exactly what was coming to them...