Woman reveals husband's 'mean' text that ended their marriage


By James Kay

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A woman has revealed that her marriage was ended due to a "mean" text that her husband sent his friends.

When you get into a marriage you assume that your partner will be the person who has your back.

Sadly for some, this doesn't turn out to be the case and the person they have married is the one who brings them down.

Like in this case...

GettyImages-2008589629.jpgThere can be many reasons for the breakdown of a marriage. Credit: Kinga Krzeminska/Getty

The revelation, which unfolded in a personal essay on Kidspot, has sparked discussions about respect and communication in relationships.

The anonymous mother recalled: “I can define the moment when I knew I’d leave my husband.”

She explained that the decision didn’t come from physical confrontations or name-calling, although both had happened.

“It wasn’t when he threw a glass of wine in my face while our baby was sitting in my lap. Or when he called me ‘pathetic and lazy’ when I begged him, crying, to please let me sleep in just one morning,” she wrote.

Instead, it came one morning in a seemingly mundane moment as her husband showered.

The night before, her husband had gone out to celebrate a friend's birthday, opting to sleep in the spare room.

As usual, she had been awake with their two-year-old since 5:00AM.

The next morning, without greeting his family, he went straight to shower, leaving his wife feeling the sting of being ignored.

GettyImages-2176446285.jpgThe couple were already going through a rocky patch. Credit: Filmstax/Getty

Reflecting on their relationship, she noted how her husband refused to share his schedule with her, describing it as “no discussion, no responsibilities.”

She said: “The man wouldn’t even agree to putting his events on a family calendar, let alone talk to me about what his plans were any night.”

Attempts to address this went nowhere. In her words, “Nothing ever changed.”

As her husband showered, his phone began to chime with incoming messages.

Curious, she decided to look. By then, she had already suspected him of infidelity.

“I wanted to see what was going on. By that stage, I suspected he’d been cheating on me. He was betraying me, but in an unexpected way,” she admitted.

But instead of messages from a lover, she found a conversation in his group chat about that night’s plans.

Her husband’s message to his friends left her stunned: “Don’t think I can make it tonight. SWMBO will say no.”

Confused, she figured that “SWMBO” was likely directed at her.

When she confronted her husband, he confirmed it, explaining it meant “She Who Must Be Obeyed.”

She recalled his unapologetic tone: “I’ll never forget that look of defiance on his face. No remorse. No apology. I felt like I’d been slapped across the face.”

The revelation highlighted years of frustration.

She described the feeling of helplessness she endured, constantly adjusting her life to his unpredictable schedule: “I put up with never knowing if he’d be home for dinner, never knowing if he’d be around for me to go out to have a haircut, or see my friends.”

She admitted that she often relied on her own mother instead, explaining: “It was easier to co-parent with my mom than it was with the father of my child.”

Years of unresolved issues and a pattern of dismissive behavior had finally taken their toll.

She felt humiliated by her husband’s message and the casual responses his friends sent back - “lols” and laughing emojis.

GettyImages-1330925345.jpgHer husband was being rude about her to his friends. Credit: Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty

This reaction confirmed for her that there was “no coming back from that.”

“Like a lightning bolt, I finally recognized this man did not deserve us. Why should we wait around for him, watching as he came and went, like the place was a hotel?”

Within a week, she had moved out with their son, noting that he barely saw his child, even when living under the same roof.


Featured image credit: Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty