Restaurant worker takes revenge on customer who didn’t pay tab... but did forget their glasses


By Phoebe Egoroff

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A disgruntled restaurant worker has taken to TikTok to express her frustration at a group of customers who did a sneaky dine and dash... or so they thought, as the smart perps apparently forgot a pair of glasses in the process.

The video was uploaded by Jessica Guevara late last week, who captioned the post: "Hope those were $125 dollars [sic]" - in an apparent reference to just how much the group of girls had racked up on their restaurant bill.

In the viral upload, in which Don Omar's 'Danza Kuduro' can be heard pumping in the background, Guevara says: "To the girls that ran out, and didn't pay their tab," before holding up a pair of black-rimmed aviator glasses.

"You left your glasses, b***h," she added.

Check out the video below:

The video then cuts to another clip of Guevara throwing the glasses to the ground and stomping on them with her foot, completely smashing the glass and breaking the frames in half in the process.

The post has since amassed more than 60,000 likes, with people in Guevara's comments section quickly becoming fired up. Hundreds of TikTokers voiced their support for her response to the dumb practice, which can often have costly effects on hospitality workers - especially those who rely on tips.

One user hilariously commented: "I may (or may not) have run someone's expensive cell phone through the dishwasher in a similar situation…"

While another wrote: "How did she see her way home? [sic]" in reference to the girl who might be missing her glasses. Guevara simply replied to that comment with: "I'm so done [crying laughing emoji]."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

"Lmao now she's gonna have to use the money she didn't have for the tab plus more [sic]," someone else added.

Another comment seemed to embody the shared consensus on Guevara's actions: "All I have to say is... you go girl. I don't blame you one bit!"

Credit: TikTok
Credit: TikTok

The group of girls unfortunately left the restaurant short-changed, which can usually mean that the server has to foot the bill from their own paycheck and misses out on their tip - in the US, this amounts to between 15% - 25%.

One user highlighted this tough industry practice, commenting: "I was a server for years. We'd have to pay the tab if the customers left without paying. It's not right. I am glad karma is a b***h though [sic]."

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Some of the video's commenters even suggested Guevara should have kept the glasses and just sold them.

Regardless of the outcome, let's hope Guevara's TikTok serves as a lesson to future diners and dashers - because what goes around, comes around... and karma always finds a way!

Featured image credit: Yelena Shander / Alamy

Restaurant worker takes revenge on customer who didn’t pay tab... but did forget their glasses


By Phoebe Egoroff

Article saved!Article saved!

A disgruntled restaurant worker has taken to TikTok to express her frustration at a group of customers who did a sneaky dine and dash... or so they thought, as the smart perps apparently forgot a pair of glasses in the process.

The video was uploaded by Jessica Guevara late last week, who captioned the post: "Hope those were $125 dollars [sic]" - in an apparent reference to just how much the group of girls had racked up on their restaurant bill.

In the viral upload, in which Don Omar's 'Danza Kuduro' can be heard pumping in the background, Guevara says: "To the girls that ran out, and didn't pay their tab," before holding up a pair of black-rimmed aviator glasses.

"You left your glasses, b***h," she added.

Check out the video below:

The video then cuts to another clip of Guevara throwing the glasses to the ground and stomping on them with her foot, completely smashing the glass and breaking the frames in half in the process.

The post has since amassed more than 60,000 likes, with people in Guevara's comments section quickly becoming fired up. Hundreds of TikTokers voiced their support for her response to the dumb practice, which can often have costly effects on hospitality workers - especially those who rely on tips.

One user hilariously commented: "I may (or may not) have run someone's expensive cell phone through the dishwasher in a similar situation…"

While another wrote: "How did she see her way home? [sic]" in reference to the girl who might be missing her glasses. Guevara simply replied to that comment with: "I'm so done [crying laughing emoji]."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

"Lmao now she's gonna have to use the money she didn't have for the tab plus more [sic]," someone else added.

Another comment seemed to embody the shared consensus on Guevara's actions: "All I have to say is... you go girl. I don't blame you one bit!"

Credit: TikTok
Credit: TikTok

The group of girls unfortunately left the restaurant short-changed, which can usually mean that the server has to foot the bill from their own paycheck and misses out on their tip - in the US, this amounts to between 15% - 25%.

One user highlighted this tough industry practice, commenting: "I was a server for years. We'd have to pay the tab if the customers left without paying. It's not right. I am glad karma is a b***h though [sic]."

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Some of the video's commenters even suggested Guevara should have kept the glasses and just sold them.

Regardless of the outcome, let's hope Guevara's TikTok serves as a lesson to future diners and dashers - because what goes around, comes around... and karma always finds a way!

Featured image credit: Yelena Shander / Alamy