Trolls fat-shame baby after mom holds KFC-themed photoshoot



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A mom has hit back at trolls after they fat-shamed her baby when she held a KFC-themed photoshoot to celebrate her child's first birthday.

Now, it goes without saying that fat-shaming is wrong in all instances, not to mention when it involves a child who is simply participating in a fun photoshoot.

The pictures were taken by Kayla Frizzell, an Australian mom-of two and a photographer, who decided to put her talents to good use to celebrate her daughter's first birthday in isolation.

In an interview with Kidpost, Kayla said: "I myself am just known to be a huge KFC lover."

"I eat it every month, easily a couple of times a month. Every time there's a Facebook meme or something, everyone is tagging me. I even considered having KFC at my wedding next year. It's always just been my thing, it's my weak spot."

However, shortly after posting pictures of the KFC-themed photoshoot, people began to mercilessly troll her daughter.


Before we get into the trolling, it's worth noting that some people did appreciate the fun photoshoot, and other parents requested similar photoshoots. After all, it's a brilliant twist on the traditional cake smashing shoot!

When Kayla saw the first troll, she blocked them, but another immediately popped up.

"I was so angry about the fat labeling," Kayla said. "She's an innocent one-year-old child. I don't care about them pointing out KFC's not healthy... but don't call her fat because I let her suck on a chicken bone one time."


A troll proceeded to leave a negative review on Kayla's photography page because of the photoshoot. The trolls even messaged her friends.

"One said they've reported me to child services and said she works for DHS," Kayla said, adding, "after a quick Facebook investigation, I found a comment from her saying she's on JobKeeper..."


Kayla explained that she's confident that her daughter is perfectly healthy, and she's now hoping that by opening up about the incident, that she can encourage others to think twice before trolling on a public forum.

"Me and my partner were there eating the chicken then giving her the bone," Kayla said.

"Sure, she had a few chips, but I did feed her beforehand because I didn't plan on sharing the KFC with her!

"We already live in a judgemental society where we grow up and it's normally teenagers feeling the pressure to be a size 10 or to fit into this or be Instagram-worthy... but to shame a one-year-old or to shame the mother who's doing her absolute best to share a fun, creative Facebook shoots in isolation times?

"There's just no need for negativity."

Trolls fat-shame baby after mom holds KFC-themed photoshoot



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A mom has hit back at trolls after they fat-shamed her baby when she held a KFC-themed photoshoot to celebrate her child's first birthday.

Now, it goes without saying that fat-shaming is wrong in all instances, not to mention when it involves a child who is simply participating in a fun photoshoot.

The pictures were taken by Kayla Frizzell, an Australian mom-of two and a photographer, who decided to put her talents to good use to celebrate her daughter's first birthday in isolation.

In an interview with Kidpost, Kayla said: "I myself am just known to be a huge KFC lover."

"I eat it every month, easily a couple of times a month. Every time there's a Facebook meme or something, everyone is tagging me. I even considered having KFC at my wedding next year. It's always just been my thing, it's my weak spot."

However, shortly after posting pictures of the KFC-themed photoshoot, people began to mercilessly troll her daughter.


Before we get into the trolling, it's worth noting that some people did appreciate the fun photoshoot, and other parents requested similar photoshoots. After all, it's a brilliant twist on the traditional cake smashing shoot!

When Kayla saw the first troll, she blocked them, but another immediately popped up.

"I was so angry about the fat labeling," Kayla said. "She's an innocent one-year-old child. I don't care about them pointing out KFC's not healthy... but don't call her fat because I let her suck on a chicken bone one time."


A troll proceeded to leave a negative review on Kayla's photography page because of the photoshoot. The trolls even messaged her friends.

"One said they've reported me to child services and said she works for DHS," Kayla said, adding, "after a quick Facebook investigation, I found a comment from her saying she's on JobKeeper..."


Kayla explained that she's confident that her daughter is perfectly healthy, and she's now hoping that by opening up about the incident, that she can encourage others to think twice before trolling on a public forum.

"Me and my partner were there eating the chicken then giving her the bone," Kayla said.

"Sure, she had a few chips, but I did feed her beforehand because I didn't plan on sharing the KFC with her!

"We already live in a judgemental society where we grow up and it's normally teenagers feeling the pressure to be a size 10 or to fit into this or be Instagram-worthy... but to shame a one-year-old or to shame the mother who's doing her absolute best to share a fun, creative Facebook shoots in isolation times?

"There's just no need for negativity."