Mom takes to social media to 'disgusting' note teacher sent home with daughter



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Christmas is famously known as the season of goodwill. A chance to make amends and generally make an effort to be kind to your fellow humans - in particular, those less fortunate than you. But it turns out that one teacher has yet to get the memo.

Mom Takaria Scott, from Meridian, Mississippi, has recently taken to social media to vent her frustrations regarding a note her daughter's teacher.

Writing in the note that a pupil named Sariah had agreed to bring "chips/cheese balls" to the class Christmas party, the teacher explained: "My philosophy is: If they don't bring anything, they don't eat anything."


However, this went down like a lead balloon with her mother, Scott, who subsequently took to Facebook to write: "Now for these kids to be between 6-7yrs this should not be a philosophy. Kids are kids man. This is definitely not acceptable in my eyes."

In the video below, a teacher loses their cool after falling victim to a prank: 

She wasn't the only person who disapproved, either, and the post went viral, receiving over 3,000 comments, with many criticizing the teacher.

"That's absolutely HORRIBLE!" wrote one Facebook user.

Another added: "So what happens if the little kids parents can’t afford to buy that or can’t get to the store? The kid is going to suffer and sit there not eating? WOW that's ridiculous."

"Even if this was an acceptable note (which it's not). Kids are very forgetful, and parents have jobs. Sometimes the notes don't get to the parents, or the kid fails to let the parent know till the morning of. Blaming this on people not having the money," a third parent vented.

A Christmas dinner.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

Meanwhile, one parent used the note as an opportunity to explain that had they received such a message, they would have given their child extra food for the party to ensure that no one in the class was left out.

"I would send a note saying I bought enough for the kids who didn't bring something can still eat," they wrote.

Children at school.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

However, some people did agree with the teacher and said that it should not be the school's responsibility to provide for children who don't contribute.

"I think it's pretty fair gotta teach kids to contribute, Food is cheap these days. Can’t tell me no one can afford to spend 5 f**king dollars at Walmart or some other place to buy some cookies at least. If you're really that broke you probably shouldn't have kids to begin with," one argued.

"The teacher's delivery is trash I agree, but all parents should contribute to their child’s classroom parties," one parent commented.

The school has subsequently apologized for the teacher's note.


Meridian Public School District superintendent Amy Carter said: "We want our students to view school as a safe space. Our students should know when they come to school that they are in an environment where they are nurtured by their teacher."

Commenting on the school's apology, Takaria wrote: "And then this happened. [Thanks to] you all that reached out in this matter as well!!! It was handled!"

Mom takes to social media to 'disgusting' note teacher sent home with daughter



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Christmas is famously known as the season of goodwill. A chance to make amends and generally make an effort to be kind to your fellow humans - in particular, those less fortunate than you. But it turns out that one teacher has yet to get the memo.

Mom Takaria Scott, from Meridian, Mississippi, has recently taken to social media to vent her frustrations regarding a note her daughter's teacher.

Writing in the note that a pupil named Sariah had agreed to bring "chips/cheese balls" to the class Christmas party, the teacher explained: "My philosophy is: If they don't bring anything, they don't eat anything."


However, this went down like a lead balloon with her mother, Scott, who subsequently took to Facebook to write: "Now for these kids to be between 6-7yrs this should not be a philosophy. Kids are kids man. This is definitely not acceptable in my eyes."

In the video below, a teacher loses their cool after falling victim to a prank: 

She wasn't the only person who disapproved, either, and the post went viral, receiving over 3,000 comments, with many criticizing the teacher.

"That's absolutely HORRIBLE!" wrote one Facebook user.

Another added: "So what happens if the little kids parents can’t afford to buy that or can’t get to the store? The kid is going to suffer and sit there not eating? WOW that's ridiculous."

"Even if this was an acceptable note (which it's not). Kids are very forgetful, and parents have jobs. Sometimes the notes don't get to the parents, or the kid fails to let the parent know till the morning of. Blaming this on people not having the money," a third parent vented.

A Christmas dinner.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

Meanwhile, one parent used the note as an opportunity to explain that had they received such a message, they would have given their child extra food for the party to ensure that no one in the class was left out.

"I would send a note saying I bought enough for the kids who didn't bring something can still eat," they wrote.

Children at school.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

However, some people did agree with the teacher and said that it should not be the school's responsibility to provide for children who don't contribute.

"I think it's pretty fair gotta teach kids to contribute, Food is cheap these days. Can’t tell me no one can afford to spend 5 f**king dollars at Walmart or some other place to buy some cookies at least. If you're really that broke you probably shouldn't have kids to begin with," one argued.

"The teacher's delivery is trash I agree, but all parents should contribute to their child’s classroom parties," one parent commented.

The school has subsequently apologized for the teacher's note.


Meridian Public School District superintendent Amy Carter said: "We want our students to view school as a safe space. Our students should know when they come to school that they are in an environment where they are nurtured by their teacher."

Commenting on the school's apology, Takaria wrote: "And then this happened. [Thanks to] you all that reached out in this matter as well!!! It was handled!"