Tiffany Trump just betrayed her father on Instagram



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You'd be hard-pressed to find a person who hasn't heard of Donald Trump by now. His name inspires anger and disgust, adoration and devotion, whenever it is mentioned. But what comes to mind when I say "Tiffany Trump"? Indifference and uncertainty seem to be the two most likely reactions.

Often referred to as the "forgotten Trump", Tiffany is the one member of the First Family who has managed to fly under the radar. Having appeared at a minimal number of presidential debates and White House events, the fourth child of President Trump remains something of an enigma to America, in stark contrast to her three older half-siblings, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump, who charge into the spotlight at every available opportunity.

However, social media users believe that Tiffany has exposed her true feelings about her father's political agenda with one key move. Hundreds of people online cried "betrayal" when the 24-year-old seemingly showed her opposition to the Republican party by liking a post that supported the March For Our Lives protests which took place across America on March 24, 2018. The post in question was made on Instagram by Julia Moshy, who uploaded a photo of a sign from the March for Our Lives Rally on Saturday that read "Next massacre will be the GOP in the Midterm Elections."

Could it be that Tiffany, who is believed to have voted for her father in the 2016 election, had crossed party lines? Twitter sure seemed to think so, with hundreds of Trump adversaries daring to dream that the president's very own daughter had become one of them.

Admittedly, on the surface of things, the move seems unlikely. While Tiffany has kept a low profile, she has occasionally posted on social media about her father. Although, opposers would be keen to point out that she has never expressed a political opinion in any of these instances.

According to reports, the "forgotten Trump" has never had the closest relationship with her billionaire dad. She is Trump's only child with his second wife, Marla Maples, whom he married in 1993 after cheating on his first wife Ivana with her. Despite their passionate beginnings, the pair's romance didn't last, with them divorcing only two months after Tiffany's birth.

Moving to California with her actress mother after the divorce, Tiffany has since stated that Marla raised her like a "single mother", and it is speculated that she had a strained relationship with her father, who always favoured her older half-sister Ivanka over her. During the time of the presidential campaign, Maples said Tiffany would “like to get to know her father better and spend time with him like his other children did: by going to his office and watching him work.”


Throughout the reality TV star's campaign, she gave one notable speech at the GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in which she sang his praises and drew on experiences from her childhood. However, she is rarely seen in the public eye nowadays, aside from on her social media accounts where she regularly documents her glamorous lifestyle. Tellingly though, she dated Democrat Ross Mechanic for roughly two years, suggesting that her loyalty to the Republican cause may not be so solid after all.

Unfortunately for President Trump, his daughter is not his only relative outwardly displaying their support for gun control. The brother of Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, Joshua Kushner, attended the March for our Lives rally in Washington, DC on Saturday. He also reportedly donated $50,000 to the anti-gun violence movement earlier this month. Kushner posted a photo to Instagram of himself with his girlfriend, model Karlie Kloss, and another of her holding a sign that read "Load minds not guns". Reportedly, Tiffany Trump was also caught "liking" this post, leading many to muse that she was exposing her objections to Donald Trump's political agenda further.

While Trump hasn't completely rejected the idea of gun control, he also hasn't fully supported it, with Republicans typically closed off to any legislation that could potentially limit the Second Amendment. Press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Friday morning that Trump told top NRA official Chris Cox: “he’ll continue to support the Second Amendment, that’s not something that he’s backed away from. The background check system is something that he’s still very much interested in improving. Conceptually, he still supports raising the age to 21. But he also knows there’s not a lot of broad support for that."

So, is the "forgotten Trump child" secretly praying for a GOP defeat? Or is she simply in support of any law that makes school life safer for innocent children? Regardless, with Tiffany being named "one of us" by Trump dissenters, it's sure going to be a wild ride.