Family freaked out after finding 'painting of their son' inside vacation rental


By James Kay

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A family who went on a perfectly innocent vacation was left terrified after discovering a painting in their rental that looked eerily like their son.

Going on vacation is a time of excitement as it usually means taking time off of work or school and heading out with your family on an adventure.

Whether it's an ever-popular staycation where you explore the beauty of your home country or if you jet off to another part of the world - getting away from the daily grind in a new place is always welcome.

But we've all seen a horror film or two in our time, right? Well, one family found themselves in the midst of one when an innocent family outing got extremely creepy.

As per the Mirror, Jennie Stevenson and her family moved to Sweden from the UK two years ago and were experiencing their first skiing holiday in the country.

On the long drive home, they stopped to rest at a B&B (bed and breakfast), and this is where things took a sinister turn.

As they sat down to enjoy their dinner in the communal dining room, they spotted a painting on the wall that looked like their son.

"Just arrived at our secluded rural B&B to find a painting of our youngest child depicted as a small girl. There's absolutely no terrifying precedent for this, so it's probably fine," Jennie wrote on Twitter.

Luckily her seven-year-old son, Barney, found the whole thing entirely amusing but that didn't stop his mother from being a little creeped out.

"We all survived the night and are now safely 300 km south. Did wake at one point to hear an unusual papery sound, as though someone was flipping the pages of a book," she updated people via Twitter.

Jennie continued: "[I] locked the door, obvs, and was tempted to lock the children in their own room, but [for the record] I did not."

People on Twitter flocked to the comments, with one person asking: "Any witches nearby?"

Another added: "Maybe the Airbnb owner stalks all incoming guests on social media & they do this to each one to freak them out on arrival?!"

Barney appeared to love the attention that the tweet was getting, as his mother penned: "Barney was planning on becoming a doctor who was so good at medicine he could rid the world of all disease and/or an engineer, but says that now he is already famous, there's no need to bother."

One follower even made a "50% overlay" by putting Barney's face over the painting which served to point out just how eerily similar the two were.

The family made an escape from the B&B and have lived to tell the tale, but it would certainly creep anybody out to find a doppelganger of themselves hanging on the wall.

Featured image credit: EWR Photo / Stockimo / Alamy