If you thought 2020 was bad, Nostradamus' predictions for 2021 aren't much better



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With 2021 just days away, I'm sure many of us are hoping to put 2020 to bed and try to forget it ever happened.

This year started with bushfires raging through Australia, saw the world locked down thanks to the global pandemic, and ended with political turmoil thanks to the US presidential election.

On top of that, we've lost beloved celebrities, endured riots, and many of us have felt the financial and emotional strain of seeing populations being forced to isolate.

However, if you were hoping 2021 was going to bring positive change, then you may want to hear what Nostradamus predicted for next year before making any plans.

According to the 16th-century French astrologer, 2021 will bring famine, solar storms, and even zombies.

Credit: 954

Has Elon Musk colonized Mars yet? Because I think I want off this planet...

From the Great Fire of London to Adolf Hitler's rise to power, Nostradamus has been eerily accurate when it comes to predicting some of humanity's most critical events, The Mirror reports.

Nostradamus - who is known for his 1555 collection Les Prophéties - is believed to have written the following about the year 2021...

Credit: 1706


According to the Yearly Horoscope, we may have to contend with a Zombie apocalypse in 2021, as Nostradamus reportedly wrote: "Few young people: half−dead to give a start. Dead through spite, he will cause the others to shine, And in an exalted place some great evils to occur.

"Sad concepts will come to harm each one, Temporal dignified, the Mass to succeed. Fathers and mothers dead of infinite sorrows, Women in mourning, the pestilent she−monster: The Great One to be no more, all the world to end."

Credit: 2592

Solar Storms?

The Yearly Horoscope also claims that huge solar storms will devastate our planet, with Nostradamus allegedly stating: "We shall see the water rising and the earth falling under it."

An asteroid strike?

Nostradamus also reportedly wrote of a potential asteroid strike, stating: "In the sky, one sees fire and a long trail of sparks."

Credit: 3294

Devastating earthquake?

And if all that wasn't enough, Nostradamus claims that a huge earthquake will hit America on November 25, 2021.

His passage reads: "The sloping park, great calamity, Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy The fire in the ship, plague, and captivity; Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading."


With all that chaos, it is no surprise that Nostradamus went onto predict that the human race will need to be protected "super-soldiers"

Some people even believe that with the rise of technology, some believe Nostradamus even suggested these troops would have microchips implanted in their heads, as he wrote: "The newly made one will lead the army, Almost cut off up to near the bank: Help from the Milanais elite straining, The Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage."

Now, considering these predictions were made nearly 500 years ago, it's hard to know how exactly Nostradamus would have been able to predict microchips - but I guess that's all part of the mystery.

In fact, it's worth taking all of the predictions with a pinch of salt, as they can be interpreted however which way a person desires. However, with the way 2020 has gone, none of it would surprise me.