We've all been in that position where we've wanted to cancel a date, right?
Maybe it was the fact that he didn't text the night before to confirm the plans, or maybe the weather was just too bad to force yourself out of bed, but whatever the reason, it's an all-too-common practice.
One woman decided to cancel her date with a man she had been seeing after he refused to wear pink when the pair planned to see the Barbie movie together.
Now, we all know that in order to watch the iconic film, it is essential for you to put on your best pink 'fit - it's just a known fact - but this man wasn't having any of it.
Taking to Reddit's infamous 'Am I The A**hole?' thread, the anonymous user recalled the entire fiasco and let social media users decide if she was the bad guy for calling it quits before even giving it a chance.
"The Barbie movie means a lot to me, I've been looking forward to this movie for so long," she wrote. "I've asked my boyfriend to go to the cinema with me, both dressed in pink. It would show that he supports me."
She continued: "He agreed to watch the movie with me, but not in pink. I told him wearing pink is minimum effort, he says minimum effort is him coming along to the movie."
The woman then described his actions as "unreasonable", saying that all her "friend's boyfriends did it."
"AITA [am I the a**hole] for finding this unreasonable? ...Even my dad and brother would. I wanted to make a whole event out of it, take pics at the booth etc. We've decided to cancel the date since the mood is already ruined," she wrote before adding: "Not asking for a lot here, just a pink shirt or something. If my bf would ask me to wear those hats worn in Oppenheimer to the cinema, I would do it in a heartbeat."

It seemed as though users were divided on who the a**hole was, with many pointing out both sides of the argument.
Those on the woman's side said: "Idk I feel sad for her. It's obviously not a big deal, but this is the sort of stuff happy relationships are made from. You do silly things to make them happy you'd never dream of doing by yourself."
Another added: "All he had to do was wear a shirt he already owns. He’s the a**hole for ruining the theme and plans. God forbid women have fun."
"Nah, I’m on her side, this would upset me too. She’s not making him buy anything," a third stated.
Others sided with the man saying: "Some partners just don’t like cosplay/dressing up in theme. And that’s fine. If they aren’t into it, either find someone else who is, who go with friends who do."
And some decided to stay neutral, writing: "Maybe i'm the AH for thinking this, but if he did have a pink shirt, why not wear it? I don't think he's the AH and neither is the op but idk... It's not a bad thing right? She's not asking him to put on a skirt, or is asking him to be her arm candy.
"If it makes her happy and it's not harmful, why not do it? maybe it's hitting me different because i'd feel upset too. not 'break up' upset but just a little down, that's all," they added.
If I had to give an opinion no one asked for, I'd say he's just being a spoilsport. If he's not up for having fun, he should just say that rather than literally refusing to wear pink for a couple of hours at most.
I mean, that's not asking much, is it?
What do you think about the issue?