Blind mystic Baba Vanga’s latest 2025 prediction


By James Kay

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Blind mystic Baba Vanga has made a few predictions that seem to have come to light, so one for this year might be worth taking note of.

GettyImages-2169349099.jpg2025 is going to be a mixed bag if Baba Vanga is to be believed... Credit: Anna Blazhuk/Getty Images

For those unfamiliar with Baba Vanga’s history, she lived in Rupite, a remote mountainous village in Bulgaria.

Despite being blind from early childhood and only semi-literate, she gained a reputation as a prophet, attracting Eastern European and Soviet leaders who sought her guidance.

Her followers meticulously recorded her prophecies, compiling them into books that continue to fuel speculation about future events.

She died in 1996 at the age of 84, but people still look to her predictions each year.

She is said to have accurately predicted the date of her own passing, alongside the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Princess Diana's death, and even Brexit.

Well, it could be bad news for Europe this year as she may have foreseen a dire future for the continent in 2025, warning of war and widespread devastation, per the Metro.

She reportedly stated: "In the spring, a war in the East will begin and there will be a third World War. A war in the East that will destroy the West."

GettyImages-1267969216.jpgBaba Vanga predicts a big year for Putin. Credit: Contributor/Getty

Additionally, she predicted that Vladamir Putin would become "lord of the world", with Europe transforming into a "wasteland".

According to her foresight: "Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world".

I'll be honest I've got a vacation booked this year so I could really do without the West turning into a wasteland.

The warning comes amid growing concerns about global security.

Just last week, the UK was cautioned that it "must be ready to go to war with Russia" if Putin continues to escalate conflicts.

The renowned 16th-century seer Nostradamus also made similar forecasts, predicting a significant conflict in Europe in 2025.

He foresaw a "decrease in the influence of established Western countries" and the "emergence of new world powers", with a prolonged war leaving soldiers "exhausted" from attritional combat.

While we all stew over our impending doom, let's have a look at what else Baba Vanga had to say.

A more unusual prediction for 2025 suggests that scientific advancements will enable people to communicate telepathically.

Baba Vanga claimed that researchers would harness brainwaves for direct interaction, revolutionizing human communication and learning.

While this remains in the realm of science fiction for now, ongoing studies in brain-computer interfaces could pave the way for such a breakthrough in the future.

Baba Vanga also predicted a major medical advancement in the form of lab-grown human organs.

GettyImages-1214716389.jpgBeing able to grow organs in a lab could be a gamechanger for many diseases. Credit: PM Images/Getty Images

If realized, this breakthrough could significantly extend life expectancy by providing an alternative to traditional organ transplants.

Scientists have made progress in regenerative medicine, but a fully functional lab-grown organ for human transplantation has yet to be perfected.

We're going to live in a wasteland, but at least we can grow organs!

If any of this has stressed you out, then don't worry too much - Baba Vanga has predicted the nuclear apocalypse a few times before and we're still standing!

Featured image credit: Anna Blazhuk/Getty Images