Baba Vanga, the blind mystic who has made some alarming predictions in the past, has left some pretty dark prophecies for what awaits us in 2024.
Baba's prophecies pop up towards the end of every year where we see what she predicted for the upcoming 12 months.
Despite passing away in 1996, her predictions have been scarily accurate, including foreseeing the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the death of Princess Diana, and the Chernobyl disaster.
She also reportedly predicted the 2004 tsunami that struck Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and other countries, killing more than 230,000 people.

According to the Daily Mail, she said: "A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice."
The blind Bulgarian seer missed the mark in 2023. Despite forecasting a solar storm and the impact of nuclear bioweapons due to a change in Earth's orbit, none of these catastrophic events have materialized so far.
With just over a month remaining in the year, the accuracy of her latest predictions hangs in the balance.
Regardless, let's look ahead at her predictions for 2024, shall we?
1) Putin's AssassinationTo kick things off, Baba anticipates the assassination of Russian leader Vladimir Putin in the coming year, a claim that the Kremlin vehemently denies. The speculation surrounding the 71-year-old leader's safety adds a layer of uncertainty to international politics.
That would certainly be a pretty huge event if it were to happen, though it's doubtful that Putin will put any stock into the prediction.
2) Surge in European Terrorist AttacksFollowing a year marked by a 26 percent increase in lethality in terrorist incidents, Baba predicts a continued rise in terrorist attacks in Europe.
3) Biological AttacksBuilding on her previous year's prediction, Baba foresees that a "big country" will engage in biological weapon tests or attacks in 2024. The potential consequences of such an event could reshape global security dynamics... and it certainly doesn't sound like a fun time for the everyday person.
4) Major Economic CrisisBaba prophesies a significant economic crisis in 2024, attributing it to geopolitical tensions, a shift in economic power from the West to the East, and escalating debt levels. The cost of living is already through the roof so let's hope that she is mistaken here, and the economy improves next year.
It's not all doom and gloom, as she also predicted that there will be a breakthrough in medical sciences - so hopefully that means some diseases and illnesses will soon become a thing of the past.
While Baba herself passed away from cancer, her predictions extend beyond geopolitical and security matters.
In a 1990 interview, she reportedly pinpointed the exact date of her death as August 11, 1996, showcasing an uncanny ability to foresee personal events, as Sky History suggests.
It's crucial to note that Baba Vanga's predictions, shrouded in cryptic language, often lack detailed specifics, leaving room for interpretation and speculation.
It does seem quite alarming that all of her predictions appear to be pretty bleak. It would be great if she predicted a free donut day or world peace... both have their perks.
Let's hope 2024 is a good year!