Americans vow never to visit the UK after finding out how some British people wash their dishes


By Kim Novak

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People around the world have been left horrified after the way some people in the UK wash up their dishes went viral.

Dishwashing is probably up there as the household task I hate the most - so much so that I rarely ever do it by hand and put everything in the dishwasher instead.

However, some people wash things up by hand, whether that be by necessity or just personal preference.

But the way some British people wash their plates and cups has left people around the world pretty stunned.

GettyImages-929676872.jpgThe way some British people wash up has left others horrified. Credit: gilaxia/Getty Images

A video has recently gone viral on TikTok showing a man filling up a washing-up bowl with water and dish soap, soaking the plates and other kitchen items inside it before giving it a scrub with a sponge and putting it on the drying rack.

The weird part? The dishes were not rinsed off after coming out of the soapy water, and were put on the rack to drain off with bubbles of dish soap still all over them.

The video, which was originally shared by @gooniedad ended up stunning people so much that any other creators made their own videos sharing their shock at the fact the dishes are not rinsed off.

People also flooded the comments to share their horror, writing: "Doesn’t the food taste like soap?"

Others added: "It’s dirty, soapy, dishwater. Why wouldn’t you want to rinse off dirty water?" and "Noooooooo!!!!! Rinse for the love of all that is holy."

Other British people also disowned the act of not rinsing your dishes, writing: "We don’t all do this in UK," and: "In U.K. and I rinse lol I don’t actually put it in soapy water , I cover the dishes in soap , scrub them , then rinse under the hot tap . Wasn’t aware there’s so many different ways."

Some even went as far as saying it would put them off visiting the UK or eating out at restaurants, adding: "Yeah, I'm never coming to the UK," and: "Is this common in the UK and even at the restaurants? Im going to bring my own plates and utensils if thats the case."

Others swore by never rinsing, writing: "I wash mine without rinsing. never tasted soap, never got ill from it. will continue to wash in the manner."

Another commented: "I'm Canadian and I wash my dishes like this. and no my food doesn't taste like soap. why rinse? wasting water!!!", while someone else added: "I was brought up the same way and I am still alive. leave the guy alone."

While the thought of eating from a plate with dish soap residue on it is pretty off-putting to many people, there probably isn't going to be much danger in you ingesting the trace amounts that would be left on the crockery once dry.

Ingesting large amounts of dish soap can come with some pretty nasty side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting, however.

Featured image credit: ilaxia/Getty Images

Americans vow never to visit the UK after finding out how some British people wash their dishes


By Kim Novak

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People around the world have been left horrified after the way some people in the UK wash up their dishes went viral.

Dishwashing is probably up there as the household task I hate the most - so much so that I rarely ever do it by hand and put everything in the dishwasher instead.

However, some people wash things up by hand, whether that be by necessity or just personal preference.

But the way some British people wash their plates and cups has left people around the world pretty stunned.

GettyImages-929676872.jpgThe way some British people wash up has left others horrified. Credit: gilaxia/Getty Images

A video has recently gone viral on TikTok showing a man filling up a washing-up bowl with water and dish soap, soaking the plates and other kitchen items inside it before giving it a scrub with a sponge and putting it on the drying rack.

The weird part? The dishes were not rinsed off after coming out of the soapy water, and were put on the rack to drain off with bubbles of dish soap still all over them.

The video, which was originally shared by @gooniedad ended up stunning people so much that any other creators made their own videos sharing their shock at the fact the dishes are not rinsed off.

People also flooded the comments to share their horror, writing: "Doesn’t the food taste like soap?"

Others added: "It’s dirty, soapy, dishwater. Why wouldn’t you want to rinse off dirty water?" and "Noooooooo!!!!! Rinse for the love of all that is holy."

Other British people also disowned the act of not rinsing your dishes, writing: "We don’t all do this in UK," and: "In U.K. and I rinse lol I don’t actually put it in soapy water , I cover the dishes in soap , scrub them , then rinse under the hot tap . Wasn’t aware there’s so many different ways."

Some even went as far as saying it would put them off visiting the UK or eating out at restaurants, adding: "Yeah, I'm never coming to the UK," and: "Is this common in the UK and even at the restaurants? Im going to bring my own plates and utensils if thats the case."

Others swore by never rinsing, writing: "I wash mine without rinsing. never tasted soap, never got ill from it. will continue to wash in the manner."

Another commented: "I'm Canadian and I wash my dishes like this. and no my food doesn't taste like soap. why rinse? wasting water!!!", while someone else added: "I was brought up the same way and I am still alive. leave the guy alone."

While the thought of eating from a plate with dish soap residue on it is pretty off-putting to many people, there probably isn't going to be much danger in you ingesting the trace amounts that would be left on the crockery once dry.

Ingesting large amounts of dish soap can come with some pretty nasty side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting, however.

Featured image credit: ilaxia/Getty Images