Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis poke fun at relaxed bathing habits for their kids



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Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have poked fun at the attention they received after sharing that they only bathe their two young children when they are visibly dirty.

Last month, Kunis, 37, and Kutcher, 43, shared something that became a talking point for weeks: they wait until they see dirt on their two children - daughter Wyatt Isabelle, six, and son Dimitri Portwood, four - before giving them a wash.

Of course, people had a lot to say about Wyatt and Dimitri's infrequent bathing routine. And now, the famous parents are weighing in on the discussion that they, at the time, unknowingly sparked.

Taking to Instagram, Kutcher shared a video with his 4.3 million followers in which he and Kunis stood in their bathroom while their children - not in the shot - could be heard cleaning themselves with water.

The Two And A Half Men actor jests in reference to their newfound reputation: "You're putting water on the children? Are you trying to melt them? Are you trying to injure them with water? This is ridiculous. What's going on?"

The running joke started when Kunis and Kutcher appeared on Dax Shepard's Armchair Expert podcast last month and argued that "there's no point" in washing your kids unless they clearly have dirt on them.

"I didn't have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn't shower much anyway," Kunis said on the podcast.

"But when I had children, I also didn't wash them every day," she added. "I wasn't that parent that bathed my newborns - ever."

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Credit: Alamy / Image Press Agency

Kutcher chimed in: "Now, here's the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there's no point."

Later Shepard and his wife Kristen Bell revealed that they personally "wait for the stink" before bathing their own children.

"I'm a big fan of waiting for the stink," Bell said. "Once you catch a whiff, that's biology's way of letting you know you need to clean it up. I don't hate what they're doing. I wait for the stink!"

And apparently, a daily bathing routine isn't actually as necessary for the little ones as many might expect.

In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology Association explains that it is perfectly hygienic for kids from the ages of six to 11 to wash as little as once a week.

Featured image credit: Alamy / Sipa US

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis poke fun at relaxed bathing habits for their kids



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Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have poked fun at the attention they received after sharing that they only bathe their two young children when they are visibly dirty.

Last month, Kunis, 37, and Kutcher, 43, shared something that became a talking point for weeks: they wait until they see dirt on their two children - daughter Wyatt Isabelle, six, and son Dimitri Portwood, four - before giving them a wash.

Of course, people had a lot to say about Wyatt and Dimitri's infrequent bathing routine. And now, the famous parents are weighing in on the discussion that they, at the time, unknowingly sparked.

Taking to Instagram, Kutcher shared a video with his 4.3 million followers in which he and Kunis stood in their bathroom while their children - not in the shot - could be heard cleaning themselves with water.

The Two And A Half Men actor jests in reference to their newfound reputation: "You're putting water on the children? Are you trying to melt them? Are you trying to injure them with water? This is ridiculous. What's going on?"

The running joke started when Kunis and Kutcher appeared on Dax Shepard's Armchair Expert podcast last month and argued that "there's no point" in washing your kids unless they clearly have dirt on them.

"I didn't have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn't shower much anyway," Kunis said on the podcast.

"But when I had children, I also didn't wash them every day," she added. "I wasn't that parent that bathed my newborns - ever."

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Credit: Alamy / Image Press Agency

Kutcher chimed in: "Now, here's the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there's no point."

Later Shepard and his wife Kristen Bell revealed that they personally "wait for the stink" before bathing their own children.

"I'm a big fan of waiting for the stink," Bell said. "Once you catch a whiff, that's biology's way of letting you know you need to clean it up. I don't hate what they're doing. I wait for the stink!"

And apparently, a daily bathing routine isn't actually as necessary for the little ones as many might expect.

In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology Association explains that it is perfectly hygienic for kids from the ages of six to 11 to wash as little as once a week.

Featured image credit: Alamy / Sipa US