John Cena took everyone by surprise by appearing on the Oscars stage in his birthday suit, then was suddenly wearing what looked like a curtain - but what he actually had on was something rather more eyebrow-raising.
The host of the evening, Jimmy Kimmel, began the skit by recalling a moment in the 1974 Academy Awards when a streaker suddenly took to the stage.
Setting up the joke, Cena's head suddenly popped out from the wings and despite initial hesitation, the wrestler-turned-actor ventured out onto the stage with nothing but an envelope covering his privates.
His timing couldn't have been more perfect, as he was tasked with presenting the award for Best Costume Design.
Check out the skit below:
After the nominees were read out, the camera returned to Cena who was suddenly wearing what looked like an ancient Greek-inspired curtain.
But what exactly was he wearing before the clothing was thrown over him, or was he really naked?
Cena was actually wearing what insiders call a "modesty garment." These garments, commonly used in film, TV, and theater productions, are designed to cover actors' private parts when scenes require them to appear naked, per ET.
While these garments have historically been improvised from scrap materials like yoga mats or leftover costume fabrics, recent attention to actor safety and comfort has led to the development of specialized modesty garments.
Companies like Intimask in the UK, The Modesty Shop in Canada, and Covvier in the US now specialize in designing these garments in various shapes, sizes, and colors to suit different needs on set.

Despite their small size, modesty garments can come with a hefty price tag due to the specialized nature of the industry.
But how did Cena manage to transform from naked to dressed in a matter of moments? A behind-the-scenes video captured the swift change, showcasing the expertise of a dedicated team of dressers who seamlessly outfitted Cena into the curtain.
As the lights came up, Kimmel cleverly positioned himself to take credit for Cena's quick change.
Cena is no stranger to showing his skin in front of millions, given his career in the WWE - but also his shirtless appearance in Barbie.

In an exclusive interview on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Margot Robbie revealed how a chance encounter led to Cena's involvement in Barbie, where he hilariously portrayed a Kenmaid.
"I ran into him because I went to pay the bill, and they were like, 'John Cena already took care of it.' I was like, 'What? Where is he?' I mean, he's a big guy. Yeah, I couldn't see him. But I was like, he's hard to hide," Robbie said.
With Cena shooting nearby at Leavesden, where Barbie was also being filmed, Robbie seized the moment, extending an impromptu invitation: "'Do you want to come be a merman in Barbie?' and he was like: 'Uh, yeah.'"