Having a show with dinner is usually a good time, but how would you feel if you were being charged for it without realizing it?
We all love going out for a meal, right?
Though the worst part is when the check comes and you have to scan over in detail to make sure they haven't overcharged you or added some sneaky fees.
One Reddit user was the victim of such a charge when she came to pay and realized that she along with her three friends were each charged £8 ($10) for the live music at the venue.

Obviously paying for music isn't unheard of, but when you go to a restaurant with the intention of simply having a meal - the music can feel like an added extra, especially if there are no signs stating that it'll be added to the check.
The post stated: "GF and her friends were charged for live music at a restaurant," and an image of the check confirms it.
With the "live music" charge coming in at £32 ($41) in total, the group was left pretty stunned considering that they appeared to have no knowledge of it beforehand.
People in the comments were pretty baffled by the charge, as one person wrote: "Yea if you’re gonna charge then do it at the door. I’d be livid to see this on my bill."
A second person said: "What if you didn’t even go there for the live music and went for the food and there happened to be live music? Yea, I wouldn’t be happy with this."
Though another comment appeared to know the specific venue, and even offered insight as to why the group was charged the money.
They wrote: "This appears to be from the jazz bar and restaurant 'mu' in London, yes? From their website: Is the live music free? There is an optional £8 per person cover charge which is added to the bills of guests who are seated during the performances.
"The cover charge we collect goes towards the fixed performance fees we pre-agree with each musician that plays. Can I come for dinner even if I don't care about the music? Yes, that's why we make the cover charge optional."

So if this was the venue, it seems that all the customers had to do was to ask for the charge to be removed... though that would be a pretty awkward conversation.