'Jealous' man slammed for threatening to divorce wife after she breastfed their son


By Nasima Khatun

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A man has been slammed online after he threatened his wife with divorce for breastfeeding their son.

Taking to Reddit, a user who goes by the username @UsefulCantaloupe4814 took screenshots posted to social media in which a man called "David" decided he had had enough of his wife after seeing her breastfeed their baby son.

Now, the stigma around breastfeeding is still well and truly rife, but to have it shoved down your throat by your other half? That's something that you would never expect.

The text exchange between the pair started off with the man exclaiming: "You’ve been breastfeeding? You know how I f****** feel about that."

GettyImages-1541869961.jpgCredit: Galina Zhigalova/Getty

The mom hits back with: "If you don't like seeing it, maybe I can just do it in a different room?"

Things get more unhinged as the man continues with his narrow-minded rant.

"You go behind my back and do something I've stressed about not doing," her husband states. "It's a proven scientific fact that breast milk is no better than modern formula. I’ll never be able to look at you the same way again."

Hm, let's unpack that for a second.

According to a report published by National Institute of Health, "breastfed infants absorb fat better than formula-fed infants due to the presence of lipases in human milk that are not present in cow milk."

John Hopkins Medicine also published an article, adding that "breastmilk has the nutrients that are best for your baby’s brain growth and nervous system development. Studies of breastfed babies have found that they do better on intelligence tests when they grow older."

GettyImages-1196621021.jpgCredit: Sara Monika/Getty

Anyway, somehow "David" manages to crank things up another notch.

"I think you’re a bad wife. I think you don’t respect me. I think you took a joy away from me. I think a lot of things. I enjoy your b*obs. Now they’ve been in another man’s mouth, I no longer enjoy your b*obs."

Um... what?!

Even though the mom tries to explain that this is their son that has her b*obs in his mouth for feeding purposes, there's no reasoning with psychopaths, is there?

"He’s male. And your son. That makes it incestuous in my eyes," he adds.

The exchange ends with the husband telling his wife that she has to find her own place, but he still wants 50/50 custody of the child that he just talked s*** about.

Make it make sense, I'm begging you.

GettyImages-2070585229.jpgCredit: Jacques Julien/Getty

It seems as though Reddit users were also as confused as I was, with many slamming the dad in the comments.

"What did I just read? Is this new mom’s husband jealous of their infant son because he’s breastfeeding? This is so gross," wrote this person, while another added: "My God. What did I just read? A b*strd father jealous of his newborn child for being breastfed and blaming the mother. What has this world come to? How s*itstain of a human being you have to be to think like that? They really think women as sex toys, don't they? They are sexualizing and vilifying their own partner based on breastfeeding."

A third was also less-than-impressed, commenting: "That is one of the most twisted things I’ve read on the internet today, and I’ve been doom scrolling for 3 hours. This guy must have skipped all of health and biology class, how could anyone see a mother breastfeeding her son to be incest?!"

I think he's doing her a favor by divorcing her, but he should have at least shared his warped views on women and children before he made her a mom.

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Jordi Salas/Getty

'Jealous' man slammed for threatening to divorce wife after she breastfed their son


By Nasima Khatun

Article saved!Article saved!

A man has been slammed online after he threatened his wife with divorce for breastfeeding their son.

Taking to Reddit, a user who goes by the username @UsefulCantaloupe4814 took screenshots posted to social media in which a man called "David" decided he had had enough of his wife after seeing her breastfeed their baby son.

Now, the stigma around breastfeeding is still well and truly rife, but to have it shoved down your throat by your other half? That's something that you would never expect.

The text exchange between the pair started off with the man exclaiming: "You’ve been breastfeeding? You know how I f****** feel about that."

GettyImages-1541869961.jpgCredit: Galina Zhigalova/Getty

The mom hits back with: "If you don't like seeing it, maybe I can just do it in a different room?"

Things get more unhinged as the man continues with his narrow-minded rant.

"You go behind my back and do something I've stressed about not doing," her husband states. "It's a proven scientific fact that breast milk is no better than modern formula. I’ll never be able to look at you the same way again."

Hm, let's unpack that for a second.

According to a report published by National Institute of Health, "breastfed infants absorb fat better than formula-fed infants due to the presence of lipases in human milk that are not present in cow milk."

John Hopkins Medicine also published an article, adding that "breastmilk has the nutrients that are best for your baby’s brain growth and nervous system development. Studies of breastfed babies have found that they do better on intelligence tests when they grow older."

GettyImages-1196621021.jpgCredit: Sara Monika/Getty

Anyway, somehow "David" manages to crank things up another notch.

"I think you’re a bad wife. I think you don’t respect me. I think you took a joy away from me. I think a lot of things. I enjoy your b*obs. Now they’ve been in another man’s mouth, I no longer enjoy your b*obs."

Um... what?!

Even though the mom tries to explain that this is their son that has her b*obs in his mouth for feeding purposes, there's no reasoning with psychopaths, is there?

"He’s male. And your son. That makes it incestuous in my eyes," he adds.

The exchange ends with the husband telling his wife that she has to find her own place, but he still wants 50/50 custody of the child that he just talked s*** about.

Make it make sense, I'm begging you.

GettyImages-2070585229.jpgCredit: Jacques Julien/Getty

It seems as though Reddit users were also as confused as I was, with many slamming the dad in the comments.

"What did I just read? Is this new mom’s husband jealous of their infant son because he’s breastfeeding? This is so gross," wrote this person, while another added: "My God. What did I just read? A b*strd father jealous of his newborn child for being breastfed and blaming the mother. What has this world come to? How s*itstain of a human being you have to be to think like that? They really think women as sex toys, don't they? They are sexualizing and vilifying their own partner based on breastfeeding."

A third was also less-than-impressed, commenting: "That is one of the most twisted things I’ve read on the internet today, and I’ve been doom scrolling for 3 hours. This guy must have skipped all of health and biology class, how could anyone see a mother breastfeeding her son to be incest?!"

I think he's doing her a favor by divorcing her, but he should have at least shared his warped views on women and children before he made her a mom.

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Jordi Salas/Getty